I started to write (belatedly) of Cardiff on Saturday and Sunday but with almost nothing of import to report (hey, that rhymes), I couldn"t be bothered.
You see....I"m lazy...I accept. I"m not proud of it, you understand, but I get to acknowledge it.
Anyway, that wasn"t the purpose of this post..assuming it actually has one.
Nope...I"ve been running the numbers for a couple of months now and I"ve come to the realisation that barring a monster bink in the intervening months.....Portugal is a non-starter!
The basic bankroll/liferoll is suffering, partly because I"ve front-loaded the WCOAP hotels but with Cork, Chezger, Glasgow, Stoke, Car Servicing, Flat Management Fees and the like to find...I don"t think it can be done between now and November.
Like I said, barring a bink! Of course, as the astute amongst you may have noticed, there are opportunities there but it"s me after all.
On the other hand, Cork is a mere week away...and that, as they say, will be feckin" EPIC*!
*..or else!