Author Topic: Small to mid pairs cash...  (Read 6338 times)

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Re: Small to mid pairs cash...
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2010, 20:37:02 PM »

I have no concept of how you can apply strategical thinking to a local casino cash game on a generalised basis. Due to the personalities present, as well as the massively different range of ability, each cash game can only ever be based on that exact table.

For example, I used to sometimes play cash at Southport MInt Casino, until I was barred (That"s a whole other thread) JOhn Eames used to play there for a while as he lived locally. The other 9 players were all locals, most of whom hadn"t played cash anywhere else on any regular basis, so had a limited idea of how to play - and that"s being kind. Two of those locals, both middle aged men who should have known better, just wanted to beat John (who they used to call the internet kid,) and so would simply call his raises and go allin if they hit any part of the flop, regardless of position, regardless of pot size, regardless of how many others in the pot. IF you can find that strategy anywhere in a book please send me a link.

Then there would always be someone playing tight on a relatively short stack, who would wait all nite for aces, kings, or even ak, and throw it all in with the guarantee the whole (loose) table would call with anything (for something called value) and of course he would get busted and get up shakin his head to return again next week with his wages and do the same thing all over again.

The best fun for me was watching when they started to play round of each, with only half the players having an understanding of how to play OH and trying to claim flushes with one card, or gettin all their dough in with AdAs2c7h on a flop of 8h9h10h.

I play cash at manchester G and would never try to apply  logic to anyone or any situation at the table until i have got a good idea of each player"s range and style of game, it"s different every time.

Great and current post!
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Re: Small to mid pairs cash...
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2010, 10:06:10 AM »
113 scored, but I won a ton of cash!!! I am 99.71% better than most people at bluffing!!!! Thats a laugh. Area for improvement- reacting to peoples tendencies.
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