Been a while since I posted owt on this board (in part at least cos I"ve played very little poker

) so I thought I"d crack in two. It has also been a while since these hands took place so please forgive the sketchy details. A couple for thoughts one live and one online.
(1) First up good old b&m
Local club £50 tournament about 14/15 left of about 50-60 runners, with 8/9 paid. Decent structure but at this stage play starts to slow and therefore average stack becomes fewer and fewer bb. General play in the club good though perhaps too tight especially in latter stages. No particular play or reads of note only recently broke a table and neither of us have played together that evening.
My table is 7-handed:
Mid-position (MP) raises to 2.5bb leaving 20ish behind (probably in top 3 at start of hand)
SB raises to 5bb leaving 12ish behind, MP calls.
10 4 4 rainbow.
SB check, MP bets about 4bb, SB calls
10 on turn - think it goes check-bet-shove-call - either way all the money goes in.
MP - Q 10
River bricks. Bit of table chatter follows.
Any thoughts on how either player played it? Of mild interest - I was reminded of this hand fairly recently the player I was up against took down one of the UKIPTs a couple of months ago.
(2) Online think this one of the old HOT tourneys on Betfair. Latter stages probably 25-28 remain with 18 paid. Average stack probably around 18-20bb at this point but as always there are a few shortish stacks that are getting into hang-on mode now. Villain is relatively good player but quite gobby had made his views well known on quite a few other players (not all I"ve agreed with) it could be for show but probably thinks more highly of his ability than his play warrants, he has recently lost a hand to me so there"s a bit of needle there for me.
Start Villain 25ish bb - Hero 18-20ish bb
Villain opens in cut-off for 3bb.
Hero with 34s calls.
Flop Q 2 5 rainbow
Hero checks, Villian raises about 5bb, Hero shoves, Villian calls with Q7.
Any thoughts on play I guess the crux decisions are my shove and his call.....