Played the £50 at DTD on Wednesday night. 71 runners and a 20 minute clock - all those years of Pub Poker coming into use.
All went swimmingly for a while - got above average stack and kept building. Two big pots around level 4 which put me well over average for a while and by the time we get to this hand I"m still in decent shape although my 25000 is only just above the average at the time.
Villain is in BB, playing a stack almost identical to mine, been at table for a few orbits - he shoved AQ over the SBs reraise against an earlier button raise from me. He and the SB obviously know each other well and both reckoned I was rasing light...
600/1220/100 and we"re 8 handed so the pot has 2600 in it
Folded to me on Button and i have

I raise to 3,000
SB folds
BB raises (slowly, oh soooooooo slowly) to 8,000
Easy fold?