Author Topic: I really should know the answer to this but????  (Read 1727 times)

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I really should know the answer to this but????
« on: November 03, 2010, 09:35:34 AM »
Been playing for about 4 years, so I should really know the answer to this, but there seems to be conflictong opinions, is there a difinitive rule?
When a hand goes to show down, who has to show first? Can the loser be made to show? As I and most people just muck when losing. On line you can check the history and see what was mucked but live once they"re mucked thats it. I recently heard that the last aggressor in the hand has to show first at showdown? So a definite protocol, etiquette would be nice. Any answers?
European Online Silver Medalist 2009
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Re: I really should know the answer to this but????
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2010, 10:01:59 AM »
the person who made the last aggressive action in a hand is the first to showdown..... ie after the river, the person who bets or raises last and gets called should be first to show.

Once he has shown his cards, the other(s) who called can choose to muck their cards. HOWEVER, anyone who is still in the hand at Showdown can theoretically asked to see those mucked cards, although this is considered poor etiquette.

When a hand goes check/check on the river, most card rooms will insist that all hands are shown at showdown

When a player who should showdown first after the river chooses to just muck, the other person is the winner by virtue of being the only player left with a live hand, but still has to show their hand to be able to claim the pot (another rule that varies from one cardroom to another though)


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Re: I really should know the answer to this but????
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2010, 10:56:59 AM »
Thanks Steve. :)
European Online Silver Medalist 2009
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Re: I really should know the answer to this but????
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2010, 14:17:34 PM »
I"ve always been of the nature that person who "calls" the aggressive bet I last to show as he"s CALLED the bet to see