I never intended to "Seem superior" in any way, if that comment was aimed at me, Brendan, nor was I intending to make out that any (or all) of my players were.
My ONLY reason behind my original posting was to avoid a nightmare scenario whereby someone in my current top 8 has a bad week at BCPC and drops out, thus being too late to apply to APAT to play for them.
As I can"t play the event myself I was just looking out for my teammates at the....can I mention this Mrs Moderator

If anyone at the......hope this is ok......BCPC.....is good enough to get in the APAT team then they will be chosen. If Steve thinks they are not, then he wont pick them and I have no problem with that.
I am sorry if you think we are getting ideas above our station but if you honestly think that is the case then you don"t know me, or the majority, if not all of the......oh dear.......BCPC.....at all.
At least Don and John can see the funny side (Very subtle Mr Hammerite....I like it !).
We were born through the APAT forum and will continue to use it and if anyone out there has a problem with THAT then maybe YOU should find somewhere else to post.
Good Luck again to Steve and to you all.