Since you set the scene as an aggressor I don"t really understand the way you played it

Flop check fine for me. I would have def done something on the turn that didn"t involve check calling though. I"d rather bet and be called than check call, but I wouldn"t shove. If you bet the turn and get called you have taken the lead and may then be able to check down the river if you miss since you have showdown value (and so might he). Plus you could win it there and then by betting the turn. If he then shoves the river I fold, it"s bottom pair and I think after he called the turn he has you beat more often than not, and some of these times will be when HE thinks he"s got the worst hand.
As played insta-fold and post on a forum somewhere if I coulda played it different

I can"t make a case for calling because some of his bluffs will have you beat.