Online league
1st 30pts
2nd 23pts
3rd 11pts
4th 8 pts
5th 7 pts
6th 5 pts
7th 3 pts
8th 2 pts
9th 1 pt
Far too top-heavy - designed with a view to giving all the points to the individual winner/second rather than it being a team game.
Top heavy? of course, surely 1st should be rewarded. Not Overly top heavy at ~30% to 1st and ~23% to 2nd, hardly amounts to
"giving all the points" unless of course you are an accountant and can rationale that 53% is indeed categorically 100%.
How can that then equate to it no longer being a
"Team game" tbh John I expect a stronger argument from you and if may summarise your post.........
I don"t like it......
Why not John?.......
Just because!!!!
In fact, I"m not sure that this is a serious suggestion or if Brendan is putting an OTT proposal in with the hope that a compromise will end up weighted a bit more towards him than me.
FYPTBH John this is more than a little insulting but I tend to make allowances when people I consider friends succumb to the multitude of human frailties we are are all susceptible to.
I think and hope it is fairly evident that I put some time and thought into my post.
If you make the effort to bring some new players into APAT and Betfair you will be rewarded. You have a whole country you can access.
This is a valid point, teams who recruit well should and will retain their numerical advantage. But the crux of the matter is that my proposal is not to negate that advantage but to offer a sporting chance to the few teams that are currently making up the numbers.
The reality is, you need at least 15 starters to compete within the current format. Yes I am currently a representative player for a numerically weak Dublin team but I could very easily just jump ship and play for Sunderland, Solent or whoever else. While that would be a simple and easy way to solve my own personal current difficulty, it doesn"t address the long term challenge for the league as a whole. Ultimately I would then be able to
"compete" but would be doing that in a single division league against the remaining 5 or so teams of 20+ players.
Take a brief step outside of your current numerically healthy position and consider how many Teams and Divisions we will have for the start of seasons 7 & 8.