Online team league:First of all let me say I really enjoy this! I can see why people think it needs altering and possibly it could be improved. However I do think that there is no reason why every team can"t get much bigger numbers. All it needs is someone who"s enthusiastic (a kind way of saying "sad" obv

) & computer literate enough to do the recruiting. In these days of social networking, it really ain"t that difficult, however "small" your catchment area is.
Surely every team could find one person to act as a recruitment officer? I"m sure the successful recruiters would be willing to pass on the "tips & tricks" to teams not in there division.
All it needs is one person who is willing to put in a couple of hours a week to get the numbers up. After all it repays Betfair"s generosity in their added value the more people we can get playing on there.
Perhaps we could even have volunteers from outside the area to act as recruiters for currently playerless teams to get them off the ground? I"d be willing to take on another team until someone from the area could take over. I"m sure others would too.
If changes are deemed necessary then I"d go for teams within teams so to speak, i.e. A, B, C teams etc decided by current team rankings. Then have an "area" championship, a team championship and an individual championship all within the one Sunday tourney.