Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....hotel booked

Coventry...by far the finest casino I have visited

One thing marred my last visit and I thought about posting after the event but I didnt. Still bothers me though so a good time to get it off my chest. Thoughts please.
Its very early in the tourney, first or second level, I arrived a wee bit late and a bit flustered. I cant remember the exact details but it went something like this.
I was either in bb or limped utg with 44, folds round and Foggy who is my button raises. I call (cant remember if anyone else was in the pot). Flop comes down 422...JACKPOT!! Keeping in mind that Foggy is a bit of a rock in the early stages I have to put him on a high pair so I check, he bets, I call. Turn was a mid card, nothing scary so I check again, he bets, I call. River is a blank, I dont see any point in betting to scare him off so i check again hoping he will pop it up but he checks too and shows AA. When I thought about it afterwards I should have put a bet in on the flop and maybe the turn but nevermind.
The thing that upset me was that after the showdown the dealer said "Ohhh...we have a dirty player on the table"

I know it shouldnt have upset me but it did. I still dont know what a "dirty player" is and just played the hand knowing it was Foggy and not to get too fancy. Had it been someone i didnt know I probably would have played it different.
Can someone explain to me what a dirty player is please?