not a big fan of how to beat so+so guides lol , they honk and players don"t learn how to spot situations or how to exploit regs etc etc.. Annette_15 demonstrated this when playing blind in a $4.40 180sng, no abc tripe there marty

she used logic and reads as well as her know how with different textured flops/scare cards etc to win pots, lets face it, it doesn"t take many hands/orbits to build up a profile on weak opponents

We keep going round and round on villains range lol lol why because there are no reads,
the flop is AAA, its a 3bet pot so even if villain is super wide then because of the flop texture and action pre-flop, then even the most spazzy villains will fold QJs or 22 etc either on the flop or to the 2nd barrel on the turn to strong bet sizing, so like i said milking bets seem a good option to keep the worst of villains range in for at least 2 streets, 1/2 pot 1/2 pot then 1/4 or 1/3 on the river to get crying calls from 99 TT+ or maybe worse who knows etc etc, this say seems better than [without reads] the idea to get the whole 130bb"s in with our fingers crossed..
If the villain re-raises big or shoves on the flop,turn or river then it is an easy fold imho..
I"m still not convinced by your take on the concept of value as you explain it

but i will add this nugget, if we had reads that villain was semi competent be it 25nl or 100nl and appeared to be a thinking reg then if our perceived range is strong then it stands to reason to value bet less and bluff more, the opposite if our perceived range is weak [but is strong] then value bet more and bluff less, this applies to frequency as well as bet sizing and 3barrel bluffs etc etc..
You kept on harping
about ranges to 3barrel, like i said
""i don"t have any"" , it depends on the factors i mentioned above, but i will to the add above, when i 3barrel be it to bluff or with a genuine hand

then it i"ll do it with air,nutted hands and top pair/bottom 2pair when oop or ip etc , i do this because with players becoming more and more knowledgeable about 3barrels then to coin that internet kiddie phrase ""i want a depolarized range not a polarized one on the river"".. Other spots that i"d consider to 3barrel are draw heavy flop textures where villains range has lots of draw hands[requires reads to narrow this down

] and the turn and river are blanks, then i"d bluff small to fold out his draw range, i sometimes like to triple barrel in spots when i consider my opponents hands/range are prone to being overtaken by scare cards or the occasional flushing card etc, again image and reads are important, oh and not over doing it to..

in a nutshell i"ll always advocate learning how to read players/actions over ABC poker, its the only way to get better