Last online event im points leader sitting on 13k chipleader within 20mins or so happy days i thought sit tight see what others who are still in the hunt are doing then ................................ all 4 hands are within half hour to 45 mins or so.
villian min raise :as: jc me kd

bb call.. the flop

tc v/l bet call turn

v/l bet me call river

lol u no the rest so 93% before river
qc qd min raise called by me with js

flop is


: bet call turn

bet i raise call and river is qh lol 92% b4 river

called in unraise pot flop

i lose to rivered flush after betting pot every street 94% on flop
and exit hand is a cracker.... button raise in to blinds with :as: ac called by bb flop kh


: bb allin so im 89% as he has kc qs river qd for 2 pair and my last 7k....................... mmmmm nice game i fank you