I"ve never really been one for spending much time writing but decided it was time to share, listen, learn and basically have a laugh at what poker and life throws at us.
Brief history of playing from about 5 years ago, playing very rare tournaments at a friendly wee place in Glasgow, namely The Cincinatti Club. This then resulted in opening up a Betfair account with an initial bankroll of £50, mainly to play more often and to try my hand at affordable cash games. I started at the bottom levels of 2 c/4c and basically moved up through the levels to a point where I was regularly on 25c/50c 9 seaters. Incredibly that £50 has gone a long long way, contributing to holiday spending over the past few years for Florida, Australia, Hong Kong and Toronto and currently sits at $2115.
..........then there"s my live play. I returned to the live scene in Glasgow by visiting the Gala Casino one night to play in a £30 MTT, played really well for a minor novice, made a couple of hundred quid, and was encouraged to attend the APAT Scottish qualifier in Edinburgh by Billy Leishman (Billyho).
So there I was a few days later, nervous as hell to be honest, mulling around and chatting to all these new folk at the Maybury in Edinburgh and then it was time to shuffle up and deal! Other than one particularly great tough call i made it was pretty much a blur but a few hours later I found myself with a damn nice chip lead at the final table with 8 others and thankfully made it down to the required 7 for a seat at the Scottish final.

Think it"s safe to say that from that day onwards poker has become my second (non human) love, only slightly behind my love of all things music, gigs and festivals!
Update - Thanks to Ger Smyth for info about adding pics - That"s me in seat 1 next to dealer with Neil "luckybugur" Dawson on my left and Mickey "jacklevel" Paterson in seat 4. Kenny "The Kiid" McKenzie is further to the back in seat 8. No doubt we"ll discuss these guys further as the blog progresses, as I"ve become fortunate to spend more time with them (and others among you) in the 3 years since.