Author Topic: Keeping Warm in Winter  (Read 288737 times)

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Re: Keeping Warm in Winter
« Reply #1020 on: April 18, 2020, 16:37:25 PM »
Was going to post about some stuff other than poker today but had a very interesting session. Here are todays stats:-

Hands: 1500
Total Profit: $39.90
Allin EV: $34.30
VPIP: 18.23%
PFR: 15.16%
3Bet: 6.79%
Fold to 3bet: 87.14

It started well when I 3bet AQ against a raise from Seat 2 and flop top pair. Seat 2 shoved $7.89 into a pot of $3.10 and I hold against a flush draw. Then I win $6 about when I get it in preflop with AK against tens and win the race. So things go my way in general and I am winning about $25 at one point. I then flop a set and get it in for an $18 pot against a flush draw which hits. That and a few other things going wrong cut my profit to about $10. Still doing OK 750 hands into a planned 1250. I decide to record 15 mins which is posted below it is not the most interesting session. This takes me down to near break even. I then drop to just below break even when I 3bet Tens from the big blind. The Flop comes ace high and the SB donk's into me I call the flop and a small turn bet. The river completes a flush draw and he bets big so I have to fold.

So I was down small after 1250 hands and was going to call it a day. However I decide this is a good chance to see if I can maintain good standards of play whilst running a bit bad. I wasn't running too bad obviously but had just drooped 3 buyins from my peak so it was going to be harder to play good poker than when you are winning  in theory at least. I actually didn't feel on tilt or that bothered and didn't have that annoyed feeling you sometimes get after a loosing session. I tend to get more annoyed at myself making bad plays but didn't think that was really the case. Anyway I decide to play another 250 hands so I can review them and see if I am happy with how I play during loosing sessions. I started with this hand which might be OK or might be bad I need to look at it in more details.

The first 3 streets are going to be fine but I might not need to shove the river.

So at that point I was down $11. The got some hands that moved me in the right direction

Both of these hands are standard from my perspective. The first hand has a few small discussion points such as should I call with 44 in that position but I tend to think it is fine and he can probably fold the river (I think folding the turn would be a mistake from his side of things). In the second hand he does not need to shove the flop but from our side it's an easy call as we are almost never behind.

Then I got this hand which I thought was the weirdest hand, as in probably the hand where the Villain plays most badly.

Preflop is fairly standard. I could 4bet but I like playing my hand in position and keeping his range wide as if I do 4bet I have to fold if he bets. I hit top set which is the effective nut's T8 is in theory possible but unlikely he has all the overpairs. When he checks I may as well bet we are so deep that it makes sense to start trying to build a pot, if he has nothing I am not going to get much anyway. So the money ends up going in. I considered just calling his raise but the board is wet so would rather get as much money in as possible. But getting 267BB into a pot that started as a 22BB pot with one pair just seems like it is never going to end well. Pokerstar's offered me a cash out of $48. It crossed my mind but don't think I could look my myself in the mirror if I did that. The set holds and the session swings massively. I win some other small pots and the session comes to an end. Again think I played well, need to see how I do when I get an extended period of run bad. At the moment I have run pretty well.

Going to play some small MTT's tonight. Will play the APAT squads game  which I seem terrible at and I have a power fest ticket and some points on Pokerstars that I can turn into some small tickets.

Away from poker we are of course in lockdown for at least another 3 weeks and I think there is a decent chance it extends beyond that. I am hopeful that things might start returning to normal by the summer although of course pubs and casinos will be the last thing to reopen. I think there is a hope that we may be only 3 months away from that (maybe a bit optimistic but there is a chance). The silver lining of all of this is that currently there is no point in taking any time off work, if I am sat in the house anyway I may as well work and you save loads of money (although not being able to sports bet doesn't help on that one). Racing will be back as well, The Grand National was missed and Royal Ascot won't happen I don't think but Glorious Goodwood has a chance then you have the autumn with the St Leger and the Ebor. Hopefully some people can be convinced to head to a racing trip.

However there is a chance of an epic reopening come midsummer. Hopefully as this happens the premier league will restart and the champions league will also start back up. I see opportunities here. So may plans for the second half of the year currently would be:-

July - Yarm to Visit the Stockton gang hopefully with Ger, Ger, Glenn, Paulie and whoever else turns up to it. Realistically this one might get delayed but I am sure it will happen at some point.

August - WCOAP

Day at the Races - Not sure when but I am sure this is going to happen

Night at the dogs - ldo

Trip away - Some of us were meant to go to Portugal, as it happens I would not have been able to go anyway as I had to go for a day surgery to fix a faulty bowel *lol* but sadly what would have been an epic trip was cancelled for most people. It's possible this gets rescheduled for later in the year or maybe we will just go to Malta. Or maybe we should just go somewhere better than Portugal or Malta? ……..

Anyway things to look forward too to keep us upbeat during the lockdown.

Everybody Stay Safe, Help the NHS and run Golden.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Keeping Warm in Winter
« Reply #1021 on: April 19, 2020, 14:04:46 PM »
Hello Everybody

Nothing very interesting today t be honest some hands below that were fairly standard. I had AA against KK twice allin pre flop and held both times which accounted for a good bit of the profit.

Couple of interesting hands where I might make mistakes are here 

So here I raise UTG with pocket threes which may not be the best of plays but I still think it's OK. UTG+1 min raises (wtf) and there are two callers. I therefore have good odds to call.

The flop is 3-4-5 all clubs. I could bet here but into 3 players I am not sure how much I love bottom set. So it checks around. The turn is an off suit jack so nothing that was not already there gets there. The Small blinds make a 2/3 pot bet and I call and UTG1 calls. The river is a blank and the SB makes a good bet of 2/3 of pot again, this feels strong and I think bottom set is not going to play ell so I fold. 

This one is OK I think maybe I should fold the river.

Hands: 999
VPIP: 20.35
PFR: 17.58
3Bet: 6.8
Fold to 3bet: 82.98
Total Profit: $28.25
Allin EV: $16.38

So still doing OK, overall I am about 2. Buy-in's ahead of EV so owe a little bit back. I think I will finish off playing 10K hands and see what happens from there 10K hands is obviously no where near enough to properly know if I can beat the game but at the moment, I think I can. Once I have completed that it really depends on if I want to try and play some PLO or put some focus on MTT's. I kind of want to start getting ready for the WCOAP possible return s should try to play some MTT's. I have done really badly in the couple I have played recently but am not sure what I am doing wrong (not convinced I am actually doing much wrong tbh) I played 4 last night as I had a $4.40 and a $3.30 ticket on Stars a $5.50 Ticket on Party and also played the APAT squads on Party. Felt like I was getting in decent spots but couldn't hold which is fine. I would have been in a good position in the Powerfest but lost AA to QQ all in preflop for a massive pot which could have given me a deep run, I would have had a good stack in the $4.40 on Stars as well but lost a three way with AK again AT and Q8. That's pretty standard and if I can keep finding the spots, I should get results. Might play some pf the small MicroMillions that are on as well.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Keeping Warm in Winter
« Reply #1022 on: April 23, 2020, 21:03:28 PM »
Hey all

Just thought I would post an update on here, managed to get my sample size up to over 10K hands on the cash games but not been playing so well. The final total after those hands was:

Hands: 10252
VP$IP: 21.08%
PFR: 17.71%
Profit: $110.70
Allin EV: $94.08
BB/100: 10.8

Overall that is still not a bad result but I seem to be going through my normal sequence I seem to get when trying to make a comeback to poker. I was doing OK and quite enjoying the game. Seem to play quite well and am happy enough working on my game. Then I run a little bit badly and it doesn't affect my level of play too much but I completely lose interest. I have also been playing the APAT Squad games in which I have to say I have run terribly. I have cashed a couple anyway but the last three games have been crazy. Going through one of those spells where you cannot win a 70/30 (I know everybody gets them). I have played about 15 of them and min cashed in 2

Need to really make an effort to keep playing at the moment as I am find it hard to maintain interest. This is the problem I get. My choices are to try and play through it and see what happens or try to play some other game variety (which realistically is either PLO or MTT's) - we will see what happens this weekend. Still want to work towards a good performance at the WCOAP. Then maybe a grand finale in Vegas June 2021 before retiring from poker (although it's unlikely I would never play again to be honest, does any poker player ever do that). That's a long way away though. I also notice the Goliath got cancelled this year which makes it unlikely the WCOAP is going to happen in August, hopefully it just gets delayed

So going to watch some video's to try and make sure my fundamentals remain good and run back through my hands to check for any glaring mistakes. On Saturday might just play some Micro Millions and see how that goes. I do have some points to use and have a couple of tickets that popped out of those chest things.

Going to try and keep it going and do a bit of work on the game tomorrow and next week rather than playing with some games on the weekend thrown in. I do need to try start getting some non holdem games in there as well not feeling over confident of that at the moment so we will have to wait and see what happens. If I end up playing a full schedule as I would like to, just turn up for the main event or end up not playing at all. Any of those could happen I think I will be there though.

Stay Safe all, Help the NHS and all carers in any way you can and run Golden whilst at the tables.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Keeping Warm in Winter
« Reply #1023 on: April 26, 2020, 13:19:48 PM »
Moved from Pokerstars to Party Poker this weekend to see if that helped. I did find it quite helpful and was up abut £35.67 at the cash games which is just over 4 buyings meaning I was back in profit after a losing week on Stars last week. The problem with Party is that it does not allow Trackers, I don't mind the HUD not being there as that is the same for everybody but I do like being back to track my results. I can copy and paste the history into excel and reformat it to give me the profit but I can't see other stats.

The London Marathon should have been today but has been cancelled of course. I see that they are now planning to restart the Premier League in June with games behind closed doors. The games might be televised on free to air channels which would be good for the game, hopefully this will result in some smaller clubs getting some assistance as I know a few League One and League two clubs are struggling. I am stilll not 100% sure it will happen of course but it would be good to start to get some sport back, although the darts has been good.

I still expect that we may start to move towards a return to normality in June (visiting family will probably be OK again and I think we will be able to go back to work instead of having to work from home. Some sport might return and shops may start to reopen. I am really wanting to know when we will get back to being able to go to the pub and meet up for weekends again. Still reckon that will happen before next year. It would be great if we could do some stuff whilst all the sport starts catching up. Might be optimistic, don't know.

Might not play as much poker next week, maybe just play some of the APAT Squad games hopefully if sport does return soon we can get back in on the betting game again.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Keeping Warm in Winter
« Reply #1024 on: December 07, 2022, 15:47:24 PM »
So here I raise UTG with pocket threes which may not be the best of plays but I still think it's OK. UTG+1 min raises (wtf) and there are two callers. I therefore have good odds to call.

The flop is 3-4-5 all clubs. I could bet here but into 3 players I am not sure how much I love bottom set. So it checks around. The turn is an off suit jack so nothing that was not already there gets there. The Small blinds make a 2/3 pot bet and I call and UTG1 calls. The river is a blank and the SB makes a good bet of 2/3 of pot again, this feels strong and I think bottom set is not going to play ell so I fold. 

This one is OK I think maybe I should fold the river.

Hands: 999
VPIP: 20.35
PFR: 17.58
3Bet: 6.8
Fold to 3bet: 82.98
Total Profit: $28.25
Allin EV: $16.38

I'd drop a set of threes, too. I don't like such small sets. There are chances, of course, but this hand is more likely to lose if the flop is the same suit.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2023, 08:03:29 AM by Ronan1001 »