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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2011, 12:06:10 PM »
It is Tuesday, which is not that far away from Friday and the time of our little APAT trip to Spain is approaching. Most of the weekend will most likely be spent at various pubs and taking part in other non-poker related activities, but there is the small matter of the poker game which we have to play. The big thing for me is that the number one ranking is still up for grabs and I find myself in with a great chance of taking this.

The fact that myself and Darren Shallis are leading the National Rankings gives it an extra edge (and don"t write Jack off either, he is very capable of getting the big result he needs). Darren and myself learned to play at the same time, in the same games around the South Wales area. We were in various small leagues and competitions with different people, I would win one then Darren would come back and win the next, we were able to establish ourselves as the top two in the area pretty quickly (at the time anyway, there is one player who was around at the time who is now certainly better than both of us). I don"t think either of us really got the upper hand over the other though. I then moved out of Wales and Darren started playing APAT with tremendous success.

Fast forward the best part of five years to the start of 2011 (I moved back to Wales to Swansea), Darren finally managed to convince me to play the APAT event"s for a season and it has come down the final event between the two of us and Jack to win another league, only this time it is the APAT National Rankings. There is no doubt we will both be putting in the extra effort to beat each other and take this down and I have to admit coming out on top would be sweet. I would also love to lead the APAT team in Bolton as APAT's number one player of the season.

Which way will it go? I am the favourite due to points on the board, if I am going to lose then losing to Darren or Jack would not be the worst thing, but I don"t want to lose and will be trying to hardest to make their results irrelevant by making the final table and pushing for another medal. Darren has played great this year and I fully expect to see him making another deep run. If the poker gods are with him on the day then he may yet take it down. Jack has a tough task but can grind out results with the best of them and you know what they say about backing the outsider in a  three horse race.

Either way the most important thing is that it has been an enjoyable season (which is not over yet) and to have a final event like this is great. If either Darren or Jack do win the rankings then I will be supporting which ever of them it is all the way in the CoC event.

3 Days and counting

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2011, 13:12:17 PM »

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2011, 14:59:33 PM »

Right time to start my spot checks for Spain,

[    ] Book to read on plane

Every Hand Revealed - What If You Were Able To Get Right Inside The Mind Of World-Famous Poker Pro Gus Hansen--And Learn His Winning Secrets?

Now You Can.  :)
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2011, 17:48:06 PM »

Right time to start my spot checks for Spain,

[    ] Book to read on plane

Every Hand Revealed - What If You Were Able To Get Right Inside The Mind Of World-Famous Poker Pro Gus Hansen--And Learn His Winning Secrets?


Oh, actually Rodders is good enough already.

I recommend any of Hellmuths books, they"re really good - honest!  :)

How about some from the new BCPC range?

Brian Yates - Have you heard about the BCPC?
Matt McKinlay - It"s 60-40, get "em in you donk! and Call that you ****!
Tony Trippier - How to win Bronze in an APAT event of your choosing
Debjani Duncan - On shoes, handbags, owls and poker
Ant Williams - My APAT bad beats - Volumes 1 - 27
Andy Overton - What happened was....

and the latest one - Tod Wood - How to play Jack Six off suit and go on to win an APAT.


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2011, 08:50:37 AM »
Right OK this time tomorrow will be on my way to Bristol airport. I think everything is ready to go. Will just have to do without anything I forget (have my APAT hoodie). I hope Spain is ready for APAT.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2011, 16:19:10 PM »

Right time to start my spot checks for Spain,

[ X ] Enough Euros
[ X ] Hotel booking confirmation email printed
[ X ] Flight checkin email printed
[ X ] Shuttle Vouchers
[ X ] Travel Letter to carry some medication I have to take
[    ] Book to read on plane
[    ] Started packing or even getting stuff read
[ X ] my precious!!

Quote from: Chipaccrual
Rob, you are a genius.
Quote from: jacklevel06
You are a genius Rob  :D


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2011, 20:44:45 PM »

Right time to start my spot checks for Spain,

[ X ] Enough Euros
[ X ] Hotel booking confirmation email printed
[ X ] Flight checkin email printed
[ X ] Shuttle Vouchers
[ X ] Travel Letter to carry some medication I have to take
[    ] Book to read on plane
[    ] Started packing or even getting stuff read
[ X ] my precious!!


It is right Rob, the precious is a gold medal (a real one) and I have never won one. Never won a live tournament I don"t think.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2011, 21:29:18 PM »
OK, I am packed and ready to go in the morning. Have arranged with Darren to share petrol and parking costs (aka nicked a lift to Bristol off him).

Reading the forum and text messages doesn"t seem like anybody is very excited at all.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #38 on: January 13, 2011, 21:30:14 PM »
All quiet here Rodders.

Not sure what all the fuss is about ?


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #39 on: January 13, 2011, 21:43:16 PM »
It"s like fecking Christmas Eve when you were 7!


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #40 on: January 14, 2011, 06:03:07 AM »
Looks like it"s tomorrow already.

Good morning - Right just making a coffee before grabbing a shower and getting ready to head off to to Costa Brava. The start of the tournament has been delayed until 6pm tomorrow, so have no idea what we are going to do all day *lol*. Breakfast at Bristol Airport FTW like.

APATer"s I will see you all in Baraclona/Lloret. Trip report will follow on Monday assuming I survive the trip.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2011, 18:05:00 PM »
Survived Spain just about (I actually considered dying on Saturday morning and it seemed like the best plan for a while).

Will do a proper report soon but I just have to say the crowd at these events and a magnifcent bunch of people. Not going to name them all as I would be scared I would miss somebody but this season I am honestly thankful to them for making me so welcome and making me feel like one of the crowd from the very first event I went too at the end of last season. I have never failed to have a good time with these guy"s and girls whether I was playing poker, drinking Guniness or just sat there watching the sport after a tournament. APAT is as much about the people involved as about the poker. Whoever you are and however I have met you this season, you are all superstars.

See you all in Bolton and in season five.

PS - as far as the tournament goes, no I didn"t win :-)


Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #42 on: January 17, 2011, 18:25:53 PM »
Good to really meet you properly for the first time mate, had a cracking trip, will be doing my own write up tomorrow!
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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2011, 13:11:23 PM »
OK, lets start off with the trip report on Spain.

I arrived in Lloret on Friday and at the airport were myself, Darren Shallis, Ian Thompson, Phil TC, Matt Ward, Glen Lamings. There were others I had not met before and I am bad with names but the bus had about 12 on us on it. It takes about an hour to get to Lloret where we find the advance party of Stu Ward, Brendan Byrne, Craig&Beth and Alan Lake sat in the sun with tour leader Paulie "Paulie_D" Davies.

A quick change and shower and we had all joined them. Stu introduced the barman, Max, who was a great bloke himself. A taxi then arrives and out get Leigh Wiltshire, Jack "Technolog" Prime, Ger Smyth Jnr and to the cheers of the crowd gathered Ger Smyth Snr. In about 3 seconds they all have a beer and we are all have a great time. The night quickly becomes very hazy and Lloret is soon spinning. I obviously forgot to get anything to eat due to having much more important things to do. We had to a bar called Gerrys and play pool, which is quite hard when you can"t see straight, although Shallis seemed to adjust to it quite well and takes down both games (Pineapple Luckbox). Richard (Carlarge) arrived at some point as well but I must be honest and say I don"t know exactly where. However I have made a fishy mistake here and forgotten that beer without food is always a bad play and fail to make it much passed 11pm. I tried to eat but as soon as I tried I found it really didn"t work after drinking. I have noted this leak in my game and will not make the mistake again.

After I recover on Saturday morning I quickly get some food and have a few waters and get back to feeling normal. We then get a beer (well I get a beer some people get a few more than that). Before heading down to the casino to play poker. As always the tournamernt is organised well and we discuss before it begins and we all kind of have an issue with staying focused here. This comes true as most of the regs bust out quickly (poker post to follow) and I sit in the bar chatting to Chen and Ian for a while. Leigh provides us with vouchers for free drinks which is good. I manage to progress from soft drinks onto beer again and finally do come back to life. Myself, Darren and some others use up the tokens we have and then go back to Gerrys where we have a few more pints (much more sensible than the night before though) and sit down and have a chat, this is another great part of the weekend. It closes at 3am so we head off to Yates bar down the street. Petch convinces five very attractive women to take us there and after they show us where it is Petch seemed odds on to go on with them to where ever they were going until he explains what poker (pok er) means anyway. We end up going back at around 4am leaving Jack and Petch still happily drinking away. Good day.

On Sunday we get outside the hotel by midday (it"s colder today) after having a coffee and waking up we head off for breakfast. I can"t honestly remember who was there but Ian took a picture so hopefully he will be posting that. The pub we had breakfast in was great and we then headed off to the sports bar to watch the football. A few of us want to go and see Barcalona play, others want to go and play poker at the casino. I decided to go to the game and we head off in a taxi for the Camp Nou, there was Me, Petch, Rod "paradise" Copeland, Stu Ward, Matt Ward and Ger Jnr. We see a great game, Barca must be the best team in the world and the control they had was unreal at times. After returning from the game we go for a final drink before heading back.

Overall another great APAT weekend, respect to the work Rich Prew and Leigh Wiltshire do to keep this running and make the weekends happen, whilst we are all enjoying ourselves and having fun they are always working hard to make the tournament run and keep the updates going.

Stu, it was good to meet you properly as well, sure I will be seeing you again in Season five.

For those of you who are in Bolton I will see you in two weeks - for those who are not, see you in season five.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 13:14:38 PM by AAroddersAA »

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Back to reality - 2011
« Reply #44 on: January 19, 2011, 20:13:13 PM »
Right back to poker then

So having got back from Spain it"s back to the online game. A bad start to the year had seen me down over £200.  Despite this poor start, I have great confidence in my cash game. I had been playing badly and can"t make excuses so have to say I pretty much deserve to be having a losing year at the moment, it is though, very early days. Do I think I can turn it around? Yes, I am pretty confident I can.

Of course I played my first live tournament in Spain. I played OK for a while. I hit a set against top two pair to win a nice pot and made a couple of decent folds, including folding JJ preflop when the other guy had KK. I ran my stack up to about 35K before I lost some chips with AA. I played the hand OK and believe I lost the minimum on that one (about 8K). Then I played a hand all wrong.

I then got dealt 99 OTB. There is a raise ahead in front of me to 1800 (blinds are 300/600) I three bet to 4200 and there is a call. The flop comes down K-Q-3 and the caller checks to me. I check, turn card is a 10 and he checks. The pot has about 9K in it and I have a hand with showdown value and an inside straight draw. I should check and try to get to the river. Instead I bet out 7K, he says raise and makes it 14K, I honestly don"t think he has much but I don"t have anything and there is too much in the pot to push him  off second or third pair. I fold and lose 11200 on that hand leaving me with about 13K.

My exit hand sees me with about 12,000 chips, blinda are 300/600 and there is an EP raise to 1700. thats about 3K in the pot with the blinds and antes. I look down and find pocket tens and reshove. I don"t think this play is THAT bad to be honest but he has AA and I am out. More about the way I handled Spain and recent live tournaments to come along with future plans.

I got back from Spain on Monday and thought I would play the Blonde Omaha tournament on Sky Poker for something to do. It was only a £5 buyin so cheap and cheerful. I actually didn"t play too bad and came third for £38. I was pretty happy with this although I felt I could have played the final table better but I got the eventual winner all in as a coin flip on I think three occasions only to lose them, twice I rebuilt my stack but could not do it a third time. Still OK though.

Over the last two days I returned to the cash tables. I dropped down the limits as I said I would to the £20 level and I am pleased to say that my play was much better and am up just over 5 buyins. winning just under £105. I don"t think I made many major mistakes although I did play QQ very badly on one occasion. I have been playing a very simple game of just value betting when I have it and pretty much never bluffing other than the normal c-bet you have to make as you lose too much money by not doing so. The thing I have to remember is when I was running not as good early in the month I should have dropped about £50. If I had done so I would now be looking very good over the year but I still have to claw back nearly £100 to get level at online cash. This is apart of my game I need to work on. Playing at the wrong times and playing too much.

My overall bottom line now looks like this

Online MTT = +$30.10
Online cash = -£98
Live MTT = -£75
Live Cash = none played

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.