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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #315 on: December 14, 2011, 12:06:59 PM »
Played another little early morning session today. Not sure if I got unlucky or what but did not feel that I played as well as I could have. I did run about $35 below EV but I still feel that there are some spots where I could have done better, a couple of pots where I double barreled in bad spots, that kind of thing was still going along quite nicely up about $25 when I lost a race with AK Vs JJ so lost $10 there then this happened:-

PokerStars - $0.25 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3:

MP+1: $11.31
LP: $13.28
CO: $10.00
BTN: $23.35
SB: $10.00
BB: $25.78
Hero (UTG): $23.91
UTG+1: $20.41
MP: $10.00

SB posts SB $0.10, BB posts BB $0.25

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero has 5h 5s

Hero calls $0.25, UTG+1 raises to $1.50, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero calls $1.25

Flop: ($3.35, 2 players) 9s 9d 5d
Hero checks, UTG+1 bets $1.75, Hero calls $1.75

Turn: ($6.85, 2 players) 8c
Hero checks, UTG+1 bets $3.75, Hero raises to $8.75, UTG+1 raises to $17.16 and is all-in, Hero calls $8.41

River: ($41.17, 2 players) 9c

Hero shows 5h 5s (Full House, Nines full of Fives) (Pre 20%, Flop 83%, Turn 91%)
UTG+1 shows Jc Jd (Full House, Nines full of Jacks) (Pre 80%, Flop 17%, Turn 9%)
UTG+1 wins $39.17

Obviously you are going to get them and not a lot you can do about it. It"s strange how the fact you know you are playing quite well at the moment has on those sort of spots. There are times when that would have tilted me and I would need to come off but I just kinda thought, that sucks, and reloaded. Did get back into profit although only a small one by the end of the session. Still very happy with my play at the moment just need to cut out one or two mistakes if I can. Session stats were:-

Hands = 736
VP$IP = 13.82%
PFR = 8.7%
3-Bet = 2.7%
Profit Today = $2.47
VPP"s this month = 1400

I need to fit a few sessions in I think to try and hit Goldstar, I am in the right frame of mind to do it and don"t want to leave myself with too much to do over Christmas and New Year (might leave a few VPP to get on New Years Eve just for the fun of it - hopefully the connection won"t drop lol).

My had of the day - does anybody play this any different - if so why?

PokerStars - $0.25 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3:

UTG+1: $10.53
Hero (MP): $22.75
MP+1: $23.43
LP: $27.59
CO: $12.70
BTN: $11.52
SB: $25.00
BB: $25.00
UTG: $27.40

SB posts SB $0.10, BB posts BB $0.25

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero has As Ah

fold, fold, Hero raises to $1.00, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, BB calls $0.75

Flop: ($2.10, 2 players) 9s 4s 6c
BB checks, Hero bets $1.75, BB raises to $4.75, Hero calls $3.00

Turn: ($11.60, 2 players) 2d
BB bets $7.00, Hero raises to $17.00 and is all-in

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #316 on: December 14, 2011, 12:30:02 PM »
That last one feels very strong.

Check raise and then lead.

It is an interesting spot, he could be doing with TPTK (he doesn"t lead the turn with this), K6 flush draw (unlikely, will check call), but a call for $1 pre, he could well be set mining, or he could have something like 10"s or JJ"s and wanted to see a flop before getting busy.

I think I play it the same way, I"m not sure you can get away, he either has a set or he doesn"t. If he has then oh well.

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jbworldwide (PokerStars)


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #317 on: December 14, 2011, 14:50:07 PM »
One observation I feel is important Rodders, in both those last two hands your stack wasn"t full @ $23.91 and $22.75, you should strive to not let this happen. You are playing a Tag 11/7 game which is essentially, certainly close to, a nut pedalling type of game where you plan to get full value when you hit a hand. Because of this you should strive to always have a full stack.

Hand 2,

This spot is hugely dependent on reads and even then tough to put down.
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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #318 on: December 15, 2011, 00:01:30 AM »

One observation I feel is important Rodders, in both those last two hands your stack wasn"t full @ $23.91 and $22.75, you should strive to not let this happen. You are playing a Tag 11/7 game which is essentially, certainly close to, a nut pedalling type of game where you plan to get full value when you hit a hand. Because of this you should strive to always have a full stack.

Hand 2,

This spot is hugely dependent on reads and even then tough to put down.

Excellent point about stack size, have corrected this in Pokerstar"s settings. Apparently they are different for 6-max and FR.

Here is my take on the AA spot, no way in the world I am folding at any point in this hand btw.

I raise to $1 and he calls. If he is observant I am meant to have something here. Important point though, very few players are actually that observant.

My raise and his call can mean lots of things. It"s hard to put either of us on a good range of hands at this point. I am a nit so I am meant to have a strong hand from this position. He could be calling with a wide range here. It includes pairs, SC, big cards like AK, AQ, AJ etc.

The flop helps my hand, I also have position which is really powerful in this hand. There are not many draws there, he does a check and so I obviously c-bet. I can see no good reason not to do this. His raise is then fairly strong. I am now thinking he could have an overpair to the board or a draw of some kind (flush draw is most likely obv). A set might well do this but it"s not usual for them to flat and fire back on the turn. There are not really any realistic two pair hands here. My in this position my aces are a big favorite to be the best hand.

My options are shove it in or call and have a look at the turn and reassess. Getting it in feels like putting the hand face up and SHOULD only get called by a hand that beats me (probably not true in real life I know). QQ could call I suppose but QQ would usually at least 3-bet pre. He should not have KK as that MUST 3-bet pre. Flush draws are also very possible and should fold if I shove (unless they are AK of Spades). He could have some weird medium strength hand and be on a semi bluff (on this board in this pot a top pair type hand). Him having air does not feel likely but not impossible. Given a shove here causes most hands I beat to fold and hands I lose to to call. I see the turn.

Turn is a great card for me and should not have changed anything, my aces should still be ahead most of the time. If I was ahead on the flop I am ahead on the turn. This also shows the great advantage of position. He now has the lead in the hand so might feel he has to continue and has to go first. He bets. I am really only losing to sets and you can"t spend your poker life being scared of sets, it"s often OK to get stacked with AA against a set and this is one of those times. I see almost no two pair hands here and a little bit of air in his range (people do bluff and this is a spot he would feel he can). There is now enough in the pot and I get called by lots and lots of hands that I beat as he may often feel committed with a medium strength hand and he is getting a great price. I shove.

The question here is quite simple. How do I get all of the money in the middle? I believe my line is optimal in this spot, the other options are:-

3-Bet shove the flop
Call on the turn and hope he fires on the river

I posted this as it is an interesting hand - I am quite happy it was played correctly, will try a few more of these and will include the relevant stats and info on opponents.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 00:03:36 AM by AAroddersAA »

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #319 on: December 15, 2011, 01:19:12 AM »
How many hands did you have with this guy Rodders and what were his stats for

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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #320 on: December 15, 2011, 10:59:59 AM »

How many hands did you have with this guy Rodders and what were his stats for


Only 104 hands,
playing 21/18
3-Bet is 8.5%
Donk Lead = 5% (by Donk I assume you mean bet when first to act after calling a pre-flop raise - 1 out of 18)
Check Raise flop 0% (ignoring the above hand)

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #321 on: December 15, 2011, 12:22:03 PM »
Played session this morning, played badly making a few bad calls. Hands like the one below (not good enough)

PokerStars - $0.25 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3:

MP+1: $33.89
CO: $24.65
Hero (BTN): $19.12
SB: $25.00
BB: $9.24
UTG: $26.71
UTG+1: $39.28
MP: $25.00

SB posts SB $0.10, BB posts BB $0.25

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero has Kh Ah

UTG calls $0.25, fold, MP raises to $1.00, fold, fold, Hero raises to $2.75, fold, BB calls $2.50, fold, fold

Flop: ($6.85, 2 players) 5h 6d 2c
BB bets $6.49 and is all-in, Hero calls $6.49

Turn: ($19.83, 2 players) Jc

River: ($19.83, 2 players) 7d

BB shows Th Ts (One Pair, Tens) (Pre 54%, Flop 72%, Turn 86%)
Hero shows Kh Ah (High Card, Ace) (Pre 46%, Flop 28%, Turn 14%)
BB wins $18.86

Might be down to me playing too much lately so I need to pick up on that asap. I might give Holdem a rest for a while and play some Omaha or some tournaments. Overall happy with this week but today I was poor. Strange how it"s possible to change from day to day so much.

Hands = 548
VP$IP = 9.31%
PFR = 5.84%
3-Bet = 2%
Todays loss = $36.09

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #322 on: December 15, 2011, 12:38:28 PM »

How many hands did you have with this guy Rodders and what were his stats for


Only 104 hands,
playing 21/18
3-Bet is 8.5%
Donk Lead = 5% (by Donk I assume you mean bet when first to act after calling a pre-flop raise - 1 out of 18)
Check Raise flop 0% (ignoring the above hand)

what did he have?
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jbworldwide (PokerStars)


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #323 on: December 15, 2011, 13:44:07 PM »

Only 104 hands,
playing 21/18
3-Bet is 8.5%
Donk Lead = 5% (by Donk I assume you mean bet when first to act after calling a pre-flop raise - 1 out of 18)
Check Raise flop 0% (ignoring the above hand)

Yea pretty much never folding to that type. One other point though, I kinda feel this is a way ahead way behind spot and when we raise the turn we allow villain to fold some hands we beat that may put another bet in on the river.
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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #324 on: December 16, 2011, 10:08:07 AM »

Only 104 hands,
playing 21/18
3-Bet is 8.5%
Donk Lead = 5% (by Donk I assume you mean bet when first to act after calling a pre-flop raise - 1 out of 18)
Check Raise flop 0% (ignoring the above hand)

Yea pretty much never folding to that type. One other point though, I kinda feel this is a way ahead way behind spot and when we raise the turn we allow villain to fold some hands we beat that may put another bet in on the river.

This is a good point (obviously as Brendan is making it *lol*).

I still prefer my way of playing it, but do wonder what other people think. I think Brendan has it spot on in theory (it should be we are either way ahead, or he has a set), but in practice we actually get a lot of calls from hands we beat (as people think they have good odds and are priced in with a pair) and a lot of hands that would call on the turn, just check/fold the river (he folded to my raise btw). We can also get value from flush draws which are a small part of his range.

As I said next time I do this I will post the relevant info to make it better.

Good responses again Brendan, top man.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #325 on: December 17, 2011, 11:49:07 AM »
Cash session this morning did not go to plan with a $40.51 loss over just over 400 hands. Played KK badly as shown below (I am now $20 down with this hand over the last 10K hands but that is partly my own fault). I should probably just flat call the raise here but I probably end up getting it in anyway, maybe would fold to a really good turn bet. I only had 4 hands on the player at that point so no reads.

PokerStars - $0.25 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 7 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

BB: $15.31
UTG: $11.01
Hero (UTG+1): $25
MP: $17.27
CO: $25.00
BTN: $13.40
SB: $29.33

SB posts SB $0.10, BB posts BB $0.25

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero has  K:spade: K:heart:

fold, Hero raises to $1.00, MP calls $1.00, fold, fold, fold, fold

Flop: ($2.35, 2 players)  T:spade: 9:heart: J:diamond:
Hero bets $2.00, MP raises to $4.00, Hero raises to $23.10 and is all-in, MP calls $12.27 and is all-in

Turn: ($34.89, 2 players)  5:diamond:

River: ($34.89, 2 players)  7:diamond:

Hero shows  K:spade: K:heart:  (One Pair, Kings) (Pre 91%, Flop 8%, Turn 3%)
MP shows  Q:diamond: K:club:  (Straight, King High) (Pre 9%, Flop 92%, Turn 97%)
MP wins $33.16

Hands 404
Loss Today $40.51
VP$IP = 10.81%
PFR = 8.91%
3-Bet = 4.02%

Was going to go to the football today, went to the car to drive to Newport, window cracked somehow *lol* great. Sorted that anyway without to many problems, but now can"t be bothered to drive over to Newport as I would miss the game anyway and don"t really feel like going out tonight. Guess I will play some more pokers instead. Tournaments to play today (will add to them as I see fit). Also will have a go at qualifying for the 10th Anniversary Million tomorrow.

Pokerstars Sunday Million Qualifier @ 17:00,m it"s a freeroll (with password) that gives three seats so not too bad

Pokerstars Big $11 (50K Gtd) @ 7pm AK into AA probably should have got away from it though

Pokerstars Silverstar $30,000 VIP freeroll @ 7:30pm Cash for $21

Pokerstars UK and Ireland Sunday $10 Million Freeroll sat @ 7:45pm (may as well if I am say here playing poker anyway) it is an open freeroll and only gives one seat lol

180 Manner $4.50 #1 Min Cash for $8.75

180 Manner $4.50 #2

Pokerstars $1R NL Omaha (whatever that is) Cashed for $19.43 ($7 spent)

Total cash prizes tonight = $49.18
Total Cash buyin = $16.10
Total FPP buyin = 800 FPP

Tournament profit = $33.08
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 23:36:26 PM by AAroddersAA »

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #326 on: December 18, 2011, 20:48:53 PM »

OK, it is fair to say I have had better days :-)

Managed to burn through $125 trying to qualify for the Sunday Million, should probably have just bought in. Anyway thought I won a seat in this rebuy thing where I thought the top 9 got a seat. I am not sure why I thought this I am sure I read it in the lobby but was playing different ones at the same time. Anyway thinking I had qualified I went out.

Having come home to play the thing and some other tournaments I find out that I actually didn"t have a seat (after sorting through some various hand histories and tournament lobbies). Obviously the best thing to do in this situation is play cash and go on tilt. Lucky I was only playing 5c/10c as I managed to tilt my way through 4 Buyin"s fairly quickly on PLO (in 275 hands). The first one was not my fault to be fair.

I clearly should have just turned the PC off and gone and done something else.

Really not happy with myself for this I know much better.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #327 on: December 19, 2011, 18:43:28 PM »


OK, it is fair to say I have had better days :-)

Managed to burn through $125 trying to qualify for the Sunday Million, should probably have just bought in. Anyway thought I won a seat in this rebuy thing where I thought the top 9 got a seat. I am not sure why I thought this I am sure I read it in the lobby but was playing different ones at the same time. Anyway thinking I had qualified I went out.

Having come home to play the thing and some other tournaments I find out that I actually didn"t have a seat (after sorting through some various hand histories and tournament lobbies). Obviously the best thing to do in this situation is play cash and go on tilt. Lucky I was only playing 5c/10c as I managed to tilt my way through 4 Buyin"s fairly quickly on PLO (in 275 hands). The first one was not my fault to be fair.

I clearly should have just turned the PC off and gone and done something else.

Really not happy with myself for this I know much better.

Oops. You should have stayed at Les Croups and railed me. You could have also played the side event there, Quite a few of them had never played Omaha before.
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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #328 on: December 21, 2011, 21:04:13 PM »
Off Topic post

OK so it appears to be Christmas again here in Swansea. (mods delete that if its not allowed, APAT's kinda a respectable forum) **DO NOT CLICK ON THIS IF THERE ARE CHILDREN PRESENT - SERIOUSLY **

So it"s time for peace and goodwill to all men etc etc. Nah run out of goodwill this year, I will get a new lot come new years day and be back to normal. Will lose the negative slant and everything :-)

The Rodders player and community person of the year award goes to.....

Richard "Curlarge" Baker........ for being super duper consistent during APAT this year with more day twos and deep runs than John Murray has cashes at APAT events (well not quite but he was good). He also got some really good results elsewhere. He was also responsible for sorting out the deal we got for the hotel in Vegas and helped sort a venue for the event. As well as playing every event in season five. He doesn"t get a prize or anything but at least I mentioned him in the thread so he kinda like famous now.

The other good thing about Christmas is we can all set poker goals. Like most new year resolution they will be forgotten by about 15th January but we get to set them. I of course will rise above most and keep to mine. I will post them before the end of the year.

Next year I am going to keep this as up to date as I can, it fell apart last year as at the start of the year I had ideas way above my station in the poker world, the game spent a whole year reminding me that I"m still a fish *lol*.

So what would people like to see in the blog next year. I will try and keep monthly profit and loss records for online cash and online tournaments. I will post "interesting" hands from cash sessions from both PLO games and NLHE and lins to hands I think I could have played differently on the PHA board. Anything else people would be interested to see?


OK I will make one part of a post slightly positive.

The good thing about APAT is you meet lot"s of cool and interesting people, below is a list of people I have met this year. In some cases I kind of knew them before but they were just there and I never really took any notice of them, I am pleased to say I got to meet them properly this past year.

Stuart Ward, Dan Owston, Grant Speirs, JP Round, Steve Bayliff, Max the barman, Craig & Beth MacInnes, James Barber, Mark Gregory (sort of), George Bedi, Michelle Gascoine, Nellie Gascoine, Sharon Roberts, Matt McKinlay, Paul Pitchford, Warren Jones, Will Young, Steve Harrison, Dylan Herbert, Rudders, Mary Martin, Glen Lammings, Don Roberts, Don Logan, Brian Harland.

I reckon about four of that lot are likely to actually read this *lol*
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 19:31:23 PM by AAroddersAA »

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #329 on: December 21, 2011, 21:35:07 PM »

Off Topic post

OK so it appears to be Christmas again here in Swansea. (mods delete that if its not allowed, APAT's kinda a respectable forum) **DO NOT CLICK ON THIS IF THERE ARE CHILDREN PRESENT - SERIOUSLY **

So it"s time for peace and goodwill to all men etc etc. Nah run out of goodwill this year, I will get a new lot come new years day and be back to normal. Will lose the negative slant and everything :-)

The Rodders player and community person of the year award goes to.....

Richard "Curlarge" Baker........ for being super duper consistent during APAT this year with more day twos and deep runs than John Murray has cashes at APAT events (well not quite but he was good). He also got some really good results elsewhere. He was also responsible for sorting out the deal we got for the hotel in Vegas and helped sort a venue for the event. As well as playing every event in season five. He doesn"t get a prize or anything but at least I mentioned him in the thread so he kinda like famous now.

The other good thing about Christmas is we can all set poker goals. Like most new year resolution they will be forgotten by about 15th January but we get to set them. I of course will rise above most and keep to mine. I will post them before the end of the year.

Next year I am going to keep this as up to date as I can, it fell apart last year as at the start of the year I had ideas way above my station in the poker world, the game spent a whole year reminding me that I"m still a fish *lol*.

So what would people like to see in the blog next year. I will try and keep monthly profit and loss records for online cash and online tournaments. I will post "interesting" hands from cash sessions from both PLO games and NLHE and lins to hands I think I could have played differently on the PHA board. Anything else people would be interested to see?


OK I will make one part of a post slightly positive.

The good thing about APAT is you meet lot"s of cool and interesting people, below is a list of people I have met this year. In some cases I kind of knew them before but they were just there and I never really took any notice of them, I am pleased to say I got to meet them properly this past year.

Stuart Ward, Dan Owston, Grant Speirs, JP Round, Steve Bayliff, Max the barman, Craig & Beth MacInnes, James Barber, Mark Gregory (sort of), George Bedi, Michelle Gascoine, Sharon Roberts, Matt McKinlay, Paul Pitchford, Warren Jones, Will Young, Steve Harrison, Dylan Herbert, Rudders, Mary Martin, Glen Lammings, Don Roberts, Don Logan, Brian from the Stockton crowd (don"t know his surname) Harland.

I reckon about four of that lot are likely to actually read this *lol*


Oh love max :)

We need a Llorett Return for APAT this season i think, Max must be missing us :D
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