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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #270 on: November 16, 2011, 14:06:08 PM »
I have just survived a heart attack.

As some of you might know I kinda booked this trip up at not quite the last minute but I wasn"t exactly well prepared. One issue I did come across is that my passport was due to expire in January. I quickly checked with Virgin Atlantic and was told this was no problem as long it it was valid for the time I was actually in the USA. I therefore happily booked up and forgot all about it.

So I am on the train today and am happily reading through some threads on the forum. I happen to click on a post by Paulie (who knows about things like this) which states that you need a passport with six months left on it. I get kinda worried for about 10 minutes until I check the government site below

Which confirms all is OK. That was nearly a legendary fail, to say I would have been unhappy is an understatement.

Anyway I have just gone through Hereford and am speeding into the Midlands towards Manchester. Not long now :-)

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #271 on: November 16, 2011, 14:19:16 PM »


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #272 on: November 20, 2011, 16:14:32 PM »
I got around the above problem and got into Vegas fine. It has been a fun trip so far. We arrived on Thursday and the plane landed early (nice) but due to not having a parking spot it had to wait for about 20 minutes before we could get off. Anyway we take JB"s limo to the hotel. You could have bottled the atmosphere in that car and sold it as Red Bull at that stage. Anyway we get to Harrahs and go downstairs and all end up at Carnival Court. For some silly reason I decide to play poker at the end of the night and manage to drop $50 before I wonder why I am playing poker when I don"t even want too and then go to bed.

Friday was different, there is a 10am tournament but I decide I can"t be bothered to play poker and sit talkig to Ger, Stu and a few others. We then head over to the Imperial Palace for the $1 drinks. The night goes from one place to another, getting to the Monte Carlo was an experience, I think Stu could tell that story better. We go from one place to another, I am not sure how but I somehow end up back at Harrahs at about 3am. This seems strange as to why I am here, I think I got lost or something and the homing device came on. Anyway I am not tired but now basically have nothing to do. I find Del playing poker so decide to do this. I get rid of about $300 in short order but it was fun, again could not really sort out actually playing properly.

Saturday was APAT. I got a nice table but again got bored very quickly and was really not playing very well at all. The table did liven up though and there were lots of apaters on it and I manage to click my game on a little but still nowhere near where it should be. I somehow make day two with 15 left but my hopes are not high. The final table would be nice but I doubt it.

Yeah, anyway Vegas is cool, poker sucks. that is about it.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #273 on: November 22, 2011, 17:06:34 PM »
Somehow or another managed to come third in the APAT event over here. At least my conversion rate of final tables to medals is good and having three final tables is also something to be pleased with. That was actually my main aim when I started playing APAT at the beginning of last season - to match Darren Shallis" 3 final tables. OK I have done that now so anyway, oh hang on he got another three in between then and now again *lol*

The APAT crowd are all legends - every one of them. Will do a post on the non-poker parts of this trip when I get back. I will just say I have enjoyed them far more than the poker *lol*

I am going to try a cash game today, still really not feeling it for live poker which is a shame. I hoped that Vegas would spark my interest but can"t say I have any great desire to even play today. I will as I had always intended to spend today and tomorrow doing that. I am not that excited about it to be honest though. Will be taking it seriously on this occasion though.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #274 on: November 22, 2011, 18:35:02 PM »
Job very well done in Vegas Rodder"s and hope you had a great time besides.
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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #275 on: November 22, 2011, 19:49:39 PM »
The one they call Rodders was last spotted taking a seat at the 1/2 cash table I just stood up from.

GL Fella!
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 00:46:51 AM by lukybugur »


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #276 on: November 22, 2011, 22:48:39 PM »

I somehow make day two with 15 left but my hopes are not high. The final table would be nice but I doubt it.

Very nice work getting a bronze then Steve, especially considering you"re not quite in the zone at the mo.
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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #277 on: November 23, 2011, 00:56:26 AM »
Cheers for the replies guy"s - just taking a break from playing cash. I did really well and am very happy with how I played winning $360. I am planning to play some more later as well after a quick bit of food and taking some time out.

I have some hands that I need to post in the PHA section (on Blonde Poker) as I had a few interesting one"s. Some good calls and one bluff that I think I did really well on but need to feedback to make sure. Main thing of course is that I am up overall for the trip, I am still $40 down at cash due to two sessions where I played drunk (one was very drunk as Delboy will confirm) this is my own fault but would like to say I at least repaired the damage.

As for not being in the zone. I think I am actually playing OK (not great but OK), but am not really enjoying it. I mean at this moment in time I do actually want to play tonight but I doubt it will be an ongoing thing. Online is different I am still completely happy with playing online but live just seems so dull at the moment, kinda like watching slow drying paint *lol*

Not actually sure where everybody else is today I might find out later if I get bored with poker however I think I might just go and get some photos of the strip at night. The Venitan had it Winter in Venice show today and that was really good as well. Everything over here is really good. If I stop playing live poker (which right now seems likely, at least in the short term) I am really going to miss APAT a lot.

Away from poker I actually feel pretty normal again as well. OK, let"s try and get some run good tonight and do well.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #278 on: November 23, 2011, 01:08:33 AM »
Nice work Rodders! That"s a tidy profit indeed.

I"d love to see your HH on here if you don"t mind copy > pasting from Blonde (I couldn"t find your post there).


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #279 on: November 23, 2011, 12:14:47 PM »

Nice work Rodders! That"s a tidy profit indeed.

I"d love to see your HH on here if you don"t mind copy > pasting from Blonde (I couldn"t find your post there).

Not written them up yet mate, will post them when I get back I expect, just making some notes about them now.

EDIT - They are now there and called "Hand"s from Vegas"

Anyway, think I made a tactical error tonight maybe. I decide to take an hour off and go back to the room to relax, after making the last post I obviously fall to sleep and wake up at midnight. Oh well.

I head downstairs and have a fruits salad and a banana and get a coffee and stroll of to the poker room. I play for about 3 hours before the game breaks. Early on I lose about $30 by getting AIPF with aces, I am such a fish getting it in with one pair (luckily he did not have much money in front of him obv).

In a really funny hand I again have aces (luckbox) There is a raise ahead of me to $10 I look at the raisers stack which is small and see about $70 in chips so make it $35, he calls. The flop is a rainbow 8-2-3. Nice flop for me that. I say "I put you in all" he insta calls with pockets eights. See I told you I was a fish. The dealer counts up and tells me I owe $148 (?????). He had a $100 note hidden behind his stack. It may not have made any difference to the result of the hand but this is why I don"t like cash being used at tables.

Anyway I grind it back and in a big hand make a set and stack a player for $200 (he flopped two pair and called me all the way). I make $125 in the session and again think I played it well. I really can"t believe these games, the standard of $1/$2 here is lower than the 10c/25c on Pokerstars and it isn"t really close. Anyway $480 (just over) for the day is a good result. I saw a couple of the APATer"s about as well and everybody seems to really be enjoying Vegas. The only problem I have now is local time is 4am and I have nothing to do, might go back to the Venitan after I make a note of some hands I need to post up. Some note"s:-

Live poker is boring - but you make money
Live poker drunk is fun - but you lose money
Online poker is likely the way forward for me for now at least

Still a day to go and my stats look like this

Live cash (whilst sober) +$480 (about)
Live cash (Whilst drunk) -$350 (about)
Tournaments +$1000 (about)

Total for Vegas +$1120 (plus anything I have given out in tips etc whilst playing as that is not included in the total)

Still tomorrow to go yet of course
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 13:31:47 PM by AAroddersAA »

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #280 on: November 23, 2011, 15:35:08 PM »

on the river size your bet so u will get called/paid off by worse, unless of course u have seen villain make hero calls with Ace rag hands or 2 pair on boards like this ip to 3barrels...
he could have A3 A2 33 A4 A5 AT 56 34 45 maybe 67 66 55 Ax or 22
at these stakes villain will either have a monster or a weak Ax which he"ll fold mostly to your river action imo, what do u think he perceived your hand to be on the turn Rodders?... [again if he cant fold top pair ace or 2 pair then shoving is ok, player/read dependent of course]

""Is the limp/call preflop OK""
yes if u think they will stack off light.... if the BB is tight and can make a big folds in multiway pots then the limp call pre is pretty marginal oop ... also depends on how light the 2 limp callers stack off...

i don"t like your reasoning or your hand selection in this situation...
if the isolator and the limpers folded a lot to 3bets then its marginally ok ish :)
as per post flop i dont mind your line. he can hero call TT JJ or 88 maybe... also u met get him to fold better...

edit [later thoughts] -

""Q7ss is alright, can flop top pair, and is, importantly, suited.""

""If you ARE gonna 3bet light though you picked a absolutely fine hand to do it with.""

when players on a loose passive table open limp then imo u should tighten up your raising standards... your FE preflop has been diminished, even moreso with the isolator who has overall position playing this deep, so oop if you raise its far better to raise for value, widen the top part of your value 3bet range [not your air range against these types oop]
you need a better hand than total bollo#ks, oop in a 3bet pot playing this deep with a hand that plays poorly post flop is a recipe for losing money.... if u feel that the villains [isolator and limpers] will fold more than 70% then Q7s is ok ish [notice the ish part, in fact ATC"s is ok but keep in mind that when villains have position on u they will be more likely to call ]
imo if u feel u have say 55 to 70% FE still keep in mind to widen the top part of your 3bet value range and forget Q7s as the air part, include more flexibility for your air range with high implied odds hands such as 78s 86s or even 42s would be better than Q7s.. this will give u more chance of a +EV situation plus it will make your decisions a lot easier post flop.... big card potential [Q7s the Queen part] is a concept for shorter stacks NOT deep stack poker 150bb+.....

bet sizing - read up on it imho try to keep open minded on as many various views as u can and use sizing that will suit your style and how u think your opponents will react pre and post...
« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 00:24:56 AM by noble1 »


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #281 on: November 26, 2011, 14:00:38 PM »

on the river size your bet so u will get called/paid off by worse, unless of course u have seen villain make hero calls with Ace rag hands or 2 pair on boards like this ip to 3barrels...
he could have A3 A2 33 A4 A5 AT 56 34 45 maybe 67 66 55 Ax or 22
at these stakes villain will either have a monster or a weak Ax which he"ll fold mostly to your river action imo, what do u think he perceived your hand to be on the turn Rodders?... [again if he cant fold top pair ace or 2 pair then shoving is ok, player/read dependent of course]

""Is the limp/call preflop OK""
yes if u think they will stack off light.... if the BB is tight and can make a big folds in multiway pots then the limp call pre is pretty marginal oop ... also depends on how light the 2 limp callers stack off...

Good stuff as always but a few comments. In these games the river bet will get paid off by far worse, yes it is possible that we are beaten but we are usually in front here and the shove is the most +EV move. As far what he put me on when I bet the turn. To be honest I don"t think he thought about it, I think he saw his Ax or two pair and was not going away. The river gave me no reason to change that view and I felt he would pay off the shove. In a lot of games your thinking is right, in a live cash game in Vegas, my line is better.

i don"t like your reasoning or your hand selection in this situation...
if the isolator and the limpers folded a lot to 3bets then its marginally ok ish :)
as per post flop i dont mind your line. he can hero call TT JJ or 88 maybe... also u met get him to fold better...

Agree with you the reason for doing it sucks but the hand selection is fine if you are going to do it (which to be honest I should not have been). I also should have 3-bet bigger.

edit [later thoughts] -

""Q7ss is alright, can flop top pair, and is, importantly, suited.""

""If you ARE gonna 3bet light though you picked a absolutely fine hand to do it with.""

when players on a loose passive table open limp then imo u should tighten up your raising standards... your FE preflop has been diminished, even moreso with the isolator who has overall position playing this deep, so oop if you raise its far better to raise for value, widen the top part of your value 3bet range [not your air range against these types oop]
you need a better hand than total bollo#ks, oop in a 3bet pot playing this deep with a hand that plays poorly post flop is a recipe for losing money.... if u feel that the villains [isolator and limpers] will fold more than 70% then Q7s is ok ish [notice the ish part, in fact ATC"s is ok but keep in mind that when villains have position on u they will be more likely to call ]
imo if u feel u have say 55 to 70% FE still keep in mind to widen the top part of your 3bet value range and forget Q7s as the air part, include more flexibility for your air range with high implied odds hands such as 78s 86s or even 42s would be better than Q7s.. this will give u more chance of a +EV situation plus it will make your decisions a lot easier post flop.... big card potential [Q7s the Queen part] is a concept for shorter stacks NOT deep stack poker 150bb+.....

bet sizing - read up on it imho try to keep open minded on as many various views as u can and use sizing that will suit your style and how u think your opponents will react pre and post...

Very happy with my bet sizing in the 44 hand. In the Q7 hand I should have raised more pre, the river bet was too big.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #282 on: November 26, 2011, 14:51:11 PM »

A great week in Vegas with the APAT bunch has just ended. I think that I have recovered from it as well.

It all started on Wednesday night with a nice sensible evening in the Premier Inn in Manchester, the anticipation was palpable and everybody was well up for it. After a later night than planned we slept and awoke the next morning. We headed off to the airport where we met up with the crowd, it was like a whose who of APAT everybody was there. We get on the flight and fly to Vegas. It was a long but enjoyable flight and nobody was sleeping.

We landed in Vegas and I get in a limo with JB, Jaxie, Darren, The Stockton Massive, Sharon, Delboy and probably some others. We arrive at Harrah, check in and head down to Carnival Court. The beer flows and the whole of APAT is there, most go off to play a tournament, I just get drunk. His royal Tightness arrives and says hello and so does Joobie (who is a little excited over her upcoming wedding it seems). Eventually we head back to the poker room where The Duke, The Stockton Rock, Ger Jnr and Matt McKinlay are playing for the tournament win. Good start for APAT that. Matt eventually win"s with Ger Jnr in second so well played all. I get in a cash game and lose money as I appear to be to drunk to think properly. So I go for more drinks instead and talk to Scouse who correctly observes I appear to be totally broken (at this point I have been awake for 30 hours and am living on nothing but aeroplane food and Budwiser). I give it up at 2am and go to bed.

Friday gets underway with another tournament I do not bother playing. APAT success continues with Stu and Glen chopping it up. We then go over to Casino Royale where we meet Delboy, Jack Prime, Phil_TC and The Stockton Rock drinking $1 beers. I buy a shirt and join in. I then go back to my room to change and fall to sleep for about an hour after having a shower. I wake up and quickly get dressed and run down to the casino. I meet Jaxie and Julie on my way who tell me everybody is still at Casino Royale. I arrive and we continue to drink. We for some reason decide to walk to the Monte Carlo from here. This is perfectly walkable but for some reason it takes us an hour (it is a 20 minute maybe 30 minute walk)? Apparently this is my fault as I was the only one who actually knew the way.

We arrive and drink some more beers before some of us go to the ice lounge which was really good. It is a lounge which is kept at -5 and everything is made out of ice. Even the glasses for the drinks. It was really good. When we come out we head for the Tikki Bar eventually find it and are not sure we are going in, however we have a look and find the rest of the crowd is already there. Julie has invented a cocktail called umbongo and we all have one of those. Paulie_D the skilled travel guru quickly replans the night as we have all manged to mess it up by all being in the wrong places, no worries though we are soon good again. We stay in the bar for a while and everybody seems to be there. The whole night flows very well with Curlarge giving a performance of Wonderwall on the guitar in an Irish bar which was really good (there really are no end to the man talents). I end up lost and somehow back at Harrahs. I remember getting a cab with two people but cannot honestly remember who. I don"t feel at all tired so go to find some more people and I soon find Del, we decide we are obviously in perfect condition for a cash game. I gg about $300 I think and come off. I meet Asa shortly after this and it is now 7am, I have no gone two days without eating so go to bed. I set my alarm for 12pm so I can go and play the apat.

I play the APAT and make day two, they keep bring us free beers which is nice. I get quite lucky as I beat Carl with AQ vs 10-10 for my tournament life and also beat Delboy with 4-4 vs AK. I also put a pretty sick one on Matt McKinlay beatting his 99 with A-9 to knock him out. The tournament is OK as it has a lot of APATers in it which made for an OK table. After the tournament I can"t remember what I do but have a pretty early night as I want to try and do well tomorrow. I know I went to Casino Royale with Jaxie, Micky, Stu and others and was then back at Harrahs.

Sunday takes me back to day two and I try to stick to water, this does not work so I go back to drink Budwiser. I come third but make one bad play against Micky which probably costs me the tournament. Micky takes it down which is cool. At the end of day one somebody asked if Micky was still in and since then I have repeatedly asked Micky if he was still in and he keeps telling me he was going to take my chips (and he did - along with everybody elses). AndrewT comes in second which was also good. Great result for APAT.

We go to the Imperial Palace and play Pai-Gow and drink. Another good night was had by all.

Monday we go to the Wedding which was very good and both Julie and Adam looked very happy all day which is nice to see of course. The JAPAT tournament was a good event which Jack won. After the tournament there was a 3-6 PLO8 games going on which I did not feel like playing in so I got a taxi back with Jaxie and Delboy and it seems everybody plans Fremont street tomorrow. I am planning to play at The Venitan tomorrow so say I may not make it. They go for food, I did actually eat something already today so go for an early night - which was a mistake.

I go to sleep until about 7am and head to the Venitian to play poker. I basically spend the next 36 hours or so playing, sleeping, going back to playing and sleeping again. I run into various people at various times during this time but go into some weird cycle of feeling like I have to keep playing even though I am honestly no enjoying it i the least. It eventually gets to about 4pm on Wednesday and I am about $400 up over the last couple of days but was $80 down in my last session. I decide to go to sleep against and have one final session. I see Paulie_D playing and mention this to him and say I will see them all later. To be honest at this point I have not been eating whilst in Vegas, have drunk too much, I have not really been sleeping properly and have run out of adrenalin a few days ago. I am not able to find the rest of the group and decide to have a quick nap. In the back of my mind I know that this is it and I am not getting up for the meal. I go to sleep and wake up at 12am. I go back to sleep and wake up again at 6am. I go and have breakfast and meet up with some of the APATers who wonder where I have been. I play one more poker session and get back to being $480 up before we all head back to the airport.

The flight back is not too bad but the train journey from Manchester is hard work not to fall to sleep.

I get back and finally get home from the best APAT trip yet. The whole of the crowd are awesome, Both Ger"s, Jaxie, Stu, Phil, Matt, Carl, Michelle, Micky, Delboy, Colin, The other Stockton boys whose names I have forgotten, Sharon, Dan, Scouse, Matt, of course Adam and Julie, Jon MW etc etc etc........ This could go on forever I got bored of typing name *lol*

Great trip, great people. They are what has kept me going back to APAT events for the last year. They are what makes it worthwhile spending weekends away from home.

APAT is like a weekend away from reality (does anybody else think that). These people who you see so rarely and yet when we all come together everybody gets on so well and it just seems like everybody is the best of friends. Hope APAT lives on for a long time to come.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #283 on: November 26, 2011, 16:47:31 PM »
Nice read Rodders, makes me realise how lucky I was to stay at home  :"(
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Re: Rodder's Boring Blog about Poker and Random stuff
« Reply #284 on: November 27, 2011, 23:03:56 PM »
Recently I have been becoming more and more bored with live poker. I am at the stage where the only live events I play are APATs and that is due to the people involved more than the poker event. Once I am out, I have not been playing the side events and for a couple of them have not even bothered coming to the second day if I am not still in. Live cash seems a chore these days as well.

Since playing my first APAT event at the start of 2010 I have more than less arranged my life (and in a few cases other peoples) around the events to ensure that I can attend them all. Before I have said I can do anything, I have had to firstly check there is not an APAT event, when sorting the rota in work the first thing I check is when there is a APAT event before working everybody around that to ensure I am not working that weekend and am able to get days off around it if I need them. My holidays have also been mainly planned around APAT.

So now I have decided it is time for an extended break from live poker. At the moment I am intending to not play any live poker for the rest of the year and not a whole lot in 2012 (maybe the odd local tournament). I don"t see the point in doing something I am not enjoying just because it is "what I do".

It"s of course possible I will not stick to this and will change my mind once season six gets annouced but for now I can say I 100% believe this to be true and I will not be playing live again (not for a while at least).

I am really hoping this will allow me to start to move my online game on to the next level as I have not been doing as well as I would expect lately. The two games play very differently and I don"t think playing both has worked out that well for me. I make money but don"t feel I have got any better as a player for a while. Time to change that.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.