Looking forward to reading more Jack, keep it up.
My recommendations for anyone who has never read a poker book would be to start with the Harrington series. Although many say his strategy is now "old school" and out of date I do thing it is worth knowing first before reading other stuff.
Although you don"t want to turn into a mad scandie I would still recommend Gus Hansen"s "Every Hand Revealed". This is not so you turn into a mad scandie but it will help understand how they think "cos you will need to play against that type.
I find Caro"s Book of Tells a bit out of date TBH. Much prefer Joe Navarro"s "Read "Em and Reap" (don"t be put off by Phil Hellmuth on the cover).
Not directly covering bankroll management ect however I would highly recommend "The Poker Mindset - Essential Attitudes for Poker Success" by Ian Taylor and Matthew Hilger.
Your are welcome to borrow any of the above from me if you wish, just let me know and I"ll bring "em to Bolton.
I am currently reading Harrington on Cash Games Vol1 which Santa brought me

Good luck with the blog and happy reading.