One final point on the illness thing. Jen unfortunately picked up the same thing the following week and came out with the best line to cheer me up.
"I really don"t know how you managed to make it to work last week if you had the same as I"ve got now."
Man Flu, pah. Don"t do sick days, which being self employed is a good thing, as don"t work, don"t get paid.
Anyway, I digress. Jen did the sensible thing and after a week or so, phoned NHS Direct as she was worried that this bunged upness wasn"t clearing up. The line of questioning went something like this :-
Q: How long have you felt like this ?
A: About ten days
Q: What do you do for a living ?
A: I"m an Accountant
Q: Have you taken cocaine recently ?
A: Have I what ? No I have not.
Glad to see how easily you"re tarred with the same brush when being a young professional.
Apparantely around 85% of young professionals (Accountants, lawyers, etc) have dabbled with drugs at some point, mainly down to the stresses of their job and their significant incomes. WTF ?
I don"t believe that figure. The closest I"ve got lately is Beechams Flu Capsules.