A good day yesterday apart from not eating until about 11pm, so missed breakfast and lunch.
Thought I"d left plenty of time to get to the airport, but didn"t plan for the M3 being a carpark at 6:45am. Arrived at Heathrow, bad dropped, helped the check in staff with three clues on their crossword (not a busy morning), and straight through security to meet up with Mr Baker and Paulie.
Had enough time to grab a cuppa, before we hit the gate for a nice flight (a bit delayed, but veyr pleasant).
I should add that my requirements for a pleasant flight are often very simple. As long as my knees don"t touch the seat infront, I am quite happy.

Barcelona Airport is very impressive, that is all.
I put the transfer time to good use, and quizzed Rich and Paulie about Vegas trips for most of the hour. Very handy indeed. Getting a trip to Vegas in this year is becoming more and more of a goal.
So, the morning after the usual crazy first night out on an APAT weekend. We"re in a hotel next door to the casino, however most of the rest of the crowd are in the Excelsior down by the beach. (I say beach, I saw the sea last night, but not any sand.)
Here"s the view from my balcony.

Met up with the guys last night, a few beers, bumped into random other people over for the weekend to play APAT. I think the British contingent will be way more than the 42 we know about. (If it gets to 50, I will find Paulie D

Mr and Mrs Curtis then recommended a decent Indian for something to eat, and Jan, true to her word directed a small group of us straight there.
Points from this meal include :-
Neil Dawson doesn"t do hot spicy food.
Jack Prime doesn"t do salty food, but was hungry.
Plenty of time before the kick off today. 6pm our time, 5pm GMT, so going to meet up with Tighty for our regular "APAT catchup session", and then to see if we can get into the casino early to setup.