Just when ye thought it was safe.
The Quiz Master for Sunday has been selected. She"s 14, her name is Sarah and she"s opted for a Reverse Sheep Quiz...with a twist.

You can google all ya like, but the top answers for each question have come from HER brain and google has no bearing on the results at reveal time.
Sarah has submitted her answers. I"ll have them on hand for reveal day Sunday - and she will be there to run the reveal and answers any objections.
You have until midnight on Wednesday, May 18th to PM your answers and are allowed one pass
The Questions1 Name something teenagers do on a rainy day.
2 Top 10 pets for teenagers - as determined by Sarah
3 Favourite websites for teenagers
4 Name a favourite achievement of Sarah"s
5 Favourite TV shows for teeanagers
6 Favourite foods for teenagers
7 Name something teenagers like to do on a sunny day
8 Top 10 favourite drinks
9 Top 10 favourite colours
10 Teenager"s favourite tourist attractions in Ireland. (She asked her mates to help with this one, so opinion will vary but we have them written down.)
11 Name one of the first 10 fruits that came to Sarah"s mind just now
And last but not least (but definitely because she"s my daughter)....
12 Name a county in Ireland beginning with the letter "L"