Hi, fishboy here

I called pre, as it was for a small sum and looks strong calling oop.
Not the worst flop in the world for me. Obviously Another board, say A hi, i am prob check/folding etc.
So I lead out, A: what"s the response. B: little pot builder for if Diamond comes. When i probably double up?

The flat looks for all intense purposes a draw, be it str8 or flush. Or even a float spot/chk raise/bluff raise?
8 hits on turn, i lead again, he flats, Has he made str8? is he still drawing for flush? Delayed float? I certainly do not want to put any more chips in the pot now, and i think i have done enough to at least get you to check back. You must fear i already have the flush, and will as staetd induce a rvr bluff.
10 on rvr i weirdly enough found scary, but even if u have 10 you still can"t bet against poss flush or even str8 if i played that strangely?
Easy chk, if I"m still winning good and if not(A-Q) or 10 /etc still good and save chips.
Now Your rvr bet immediately has me thinking you have missed your draw, but also considering there may be a queen in there or what i said above.
If you recall i used up every second before i made the call, not just gut feel but it all pointed towards the bluff. I can only go by what"s in my head, anad my mind was quite positive, hence the call.
I dare say a different betsize, may well have thrown me off the hand.
The only other comment i will make is that, on a different day i would not even be in the hand(fold after raise Pre).
Give up after your flop call(brakes/pedal to the metal) prob smaller bet too.
Chk/fold turn. etc etc etc

So there"s a snippett of my thinking on the night. I did however go on to donk my chips like a Huge Hallibut, but this again was for a completely different reasoning and set of circumstances.
P.S. Sorry for the delay to reply and thank You Ian for the P.M.
Hope to see you all soon, cheers Paul Mac