Author Topic: The best way to slowplay your way out of a payday  (Read 3680 times)

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The best way to slowplay your way out of a payday
« on: December 06, 2007, 04:06:44 AM »
Ok, so im playing a cash game at the grosvenor walsall yesterday, its a £100 minimum sit down £2/£2 blinds and i have £150 in front of me.
2 guys limp in from early position and a guy who thought he was some super pro who had been playing every hand makes it £15 from middle position, he was raising a lot but it was the first time he made such a big raise, i wake up on the button never the less with  :as:  ac and decide to flat call because i had realised that he was very aggressive post flop and i could just rinse him there and then, the limpers both gets out the way.

Anyways the flop comes down  qh 9d 5s, not sure of the suits but it was rainbow for sure. Instead of him betting out like i expected he checks which immediately get the alarm bells ringing, but i want to know where i am so i bet £25, he mulls it over for a while and flat calls. The turn pairs a  5c and he checks again so i decide to pull on the brakes and check behind, the river is  :3s:, again not sure about this but it was a blank anyway. he thinks for a minute and bets £40. what an odd bet, i felt ever since the flop i was behind and i knew i would kick myself if i called and was beat. 2 reasons why i decided to pass: - 1, why £40? it just asks like he wants me to call, if he busted his draw surely from past betting he would be betting like £70, £80 etc. 2, there was a lot, and i mean a lot of dead money on this table. If i made a loose call i would probably tilt and miss out on a good opportunity to make some good money.

After mulling it over for ever i decided to pass and straight away he says good fold and turns over  qs qd. I felt so relieved, a it happens i went bust a few hands later and did my starting bankroll anyway lol but i felt so good about myself that i had avoided a situation where many wouldnt!!

let me know what you think and of similar situations yourself
if you ever remember some stranger who sucked out on you.

chances are, it was probably me!


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Re: The best way to slowplay your way out of a payday
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2007, 09:11:56 AM »
I think your opponent has played this hand fairly well. Other than the flat call on the flop, the check on the turn and being too suspiciously low on the river  :) He has to be putting you on AA or KK when you call his £15 pre-flop so IMO he"s been foolish giving you two free cards in position.

Played in this way and with a blank on the river, it"s then 100% down to "feel" - the player, his past play and the size of his river bet. It is suspiciously low for a stealing bet for this kind of player. Your instincts and your reading of him have obviously been very good and you should be proud of your play and at losing the minimum.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 10:21:50 AM by lukybugur »


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Re: The best way to slowplay your way out of a payday
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2007, 16:59:30 PM »
good play.
Still learn the science and practicing the art