This is an interesting hand. Just a couple of questions about the reads and such.
The BB would regularly reraise you to bully you off hands, would he normally do this preflop or post flop?
Also, the atc player, would he push ATC pre or postflop the most?
The situation as it came about, the limp preflop is quite fine, despite the ATC players limp which I agree would be suspicious had be constantly pushing ATC preflop, you"re still getting 5/1 on your money, I think thats enough for a limp to hit something that can take the rest of his chips if he has something good.
The flop bet I"m not sure about. Firstly, yeah the bet is leaving you short, you"re betting a fair portion of your stack. Kinboshi might have been right with his push in suggestion here. Or you check raise all in. But yeah, its hard because how can you not like this flop? I think though as played out, the action you get is tough, thats why I was wondering whether the BB and ATC player did their plays pre or post flop the most. But it looks like the BBs push suprised you.
Running the numbers, Assuming that you"re behind to at least one guy, I cant find a situation where you"re the 7/2 dog you need to be here to make the call profitable. but that is giving credit to one of these guys for a better hand than you. My numbers may be completely wrong too so I dont know.
God its a tough one. I think in the situation you ended up in, I"m folding here. Im just wondering though whether something could have played out differently to avoid it or not, its a tough on. Anyway, I"ve been waffling on enough, I"ll let someone else try and answer
