Max, you need to stop looking at this, as you"ll drive yourself round the bend!
"over the long term" IS or can be a VERY LONG TIME!!!!
Do you think that doyle"s stats over his entire lifetime is showing exactly 80% for his pair over pair situations? It might be, but then again it might not be, but his sample hands would be in the thousands and therefore it WILL be close to 80%
As a poker player results matter, however to be able to remain calm and focused, we should all try to ignore results to a certain degree and focus on just making the correct play. Putting your chips in as a 4:1 favourite IS a correct play, continued on long enough it will win you chips!
Yes it can"t help but change the way you play to a certain degree. I used to have a real problem playing a pair of nines, and it got so bad that on several occasions I folded them preflop with no action in front of me! It was cheaper for me to do this as it was like instant tilt, I couldn"t play them right, always staying with them when beat, folding when I would have won, etc. I then looked and thought about how I was playing them and adjusted how I play them and value them, now I can play them.
I"m not suggesting you fold your big pairs, but you need to think about how you play them, both preflop and post flop. You also need to be able to fold them sometimes.
But most of all STOP recording your results with them. THAT cannot help your game in anyway!