Not really a blog but wasn"t sure where else to put this. And i may well post further exploits on here.
Having recently won the £30 freezeout at Walsall i figured i"d head back into the donkament world and play Star City last night. The standard was pretty similar and to any regular APAT players highly recommended as chances are you"ll be well ahead of it!
Things went pretty normal until a big hand came up with the blinds at 400-800 when i flopped a huge draw, got them all in and missed. Subsequently i ended up with 1 big blind of 800 chips left, and i"m on the big blind next. Bum. All set to go home i shove in my last 800. There"s a raise in front of me, and a call. I don"t even bother looking. Flop comes, guy bets out, other guy folds. He turns over QJ, no Q or J on board he was just hoping to take it down. I turn over my cards. The mighty 8-3. No 8 or 3 on board but on the turn comes the miracle 8. Treble up. 3 bbs. Woohoo! Next hand, in front of me, all in and a call. I suppose i"d better look. Pocket Queens, sweet. Another treble up. 9 bbs. Short stack ninja! Next hand folded around to me. I look down at A-10s. All-in. Called by KQ. Double up. 18 bbs. Back in the game!
Next hand, raise and a call in front of me. I look down at pocket

. Shooovv... erm, nope, lets just have a look. Flop K-7-3. Happy days. Initial raiser bets out, caller calls, i flat call. Next cards a blank. Original raiser bets out again, caller calls. Hmm, now this is getting interesting, they must have something. Raise. Original raiser calls, guy beside me shoves, i can"t raise as he doesn"t have enough. I call, original raiser calls. River, another blank. Original raiser now checks. Sod that, i"m all in, he calls. Guy next to me turns over aces. Oops, should have re-raised pre mate! Original raiser turns over the mighty King Jack for top pair which he obviously thought was ahead of the two other players who"ve been re-raising and shoving as he seemed really dissapointed!
To cut a rather long story short (wasn"t actually intending to waffle on quite so much!) I revert to big stack ninja and go on to win the whole thing.
I"ve come back from short stacks before but was rather pleased with last nights efforts. My mate on the other hand was a bit miffed as he got knocked out early and then had to wait until 5 in the morning having seen me go down to 1 big blind and putting on his coat ready to go at about 12.30.
So, the moral of the story is, it is possible to come back from the dead. Having seen Carl Lybert come back from 2 and a bit BBs last year in APAT Cardiff to take second i knew it was but never actually come back from so low before so figured i"d ramble on about it on here rather than bore the wife!