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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #30 on: August 04, 2008, 18:10:58 PM »
i think points structure good and tourneys all good!
the only tweakin would be points on basis of players entered in live and online!
Yep some of the regionals had good numbers of runners but some were struggling to get more than 10 players there fore they get points for just turning up.
And to win the overall you are at a significant disadvantage if you live no where near a regional tournament, u ahve tried to adress it for out players in n ireland putting des in touch with a club in n ireland so our n irish players have a chance to participate. But obviously threr will always be people who cant make regionals because of distance. Online tourney are avaialable to all so no exscuses! Also APAT get quite a lot of money from Blue square and the more people play them the more APAT get for the next year so they should be supported!
Also the top three in overall rankings are regional champs i believe !!
I prefer live poker for the social benefits and believe it is better to play in than sat at your screen. I just want to re itterate this was not a dig at APAT cos i think tourney online and live a top notch it was a dig at the point of online having easy points when it is obviously harder to win an online tourney than majority of regionals just simply cos amount of runners!! anyway roll on the rest of the season and good luck to all !!
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 18:14:24 PM by scouse3465 »


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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #31 on: August 04, 2008, 18:12:28 PM »
Just checked back over the season. I"ve played in 30 online events and managed three final tables. 3rd and 5th twice. Easy to get online points - your "aving a laugh.

Or maybe I"m just cr*p.
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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2008, 13:35:54 PM »

this has got to be the worst comment i have ever read!!

Wow - the worst comment ever! - and with my first venture onto to the messageboard (other than a couple to do with exchanging seats, etc). I thought it would take me ages to achieve that level. Is there any point in me going on now that I have already achieved the pinnacle? You guys sure don"t make any allowances or give an easy welcome to a new poster.


I really cannot believe some one thinks regional points are harder to accumalate they online points!!  

For some reason you have tried to create an impression that my post was about Regional events. Where did I mention Regional events? I was thinking of the Nationals, where there are up to 200 players. Now, I hope this isn"t the second-worst comment ever, but there is no doubt in my mind that winning one of those is much more difficult than an online event. If you don"t agree, then you don"t agree, but I cannot see how anyone could think otherwise.

Combined with that, each player could take part in a maximum of 7 National, 5 Regional & 50 Online scoring events. So not only are the Nationals harder to get points in, there are hardly any of them compared to the vast number of Onlines. It would be difficult to play 50 games and not collect a few points, whereas the majority of people will go home from the Nationals with none (though having had a great experience).

I can"t disagree that Regionals with fewer runners don"t deserve the same points as those with larger fields. I am not actually terribly concerned whether they do or not, or about the points race, and haven"t bothered to play any of the Online games (though I might start now). I just couldn"t understand why Darren Shallis" points were cut back. Seems like his achievement in winning a National is undermined somewhat if it is rewarded less than someone winning an Online game. What will happen if he wins again in London? I guess his lowest live points score would drop off and he would only benefit by the difference. He could get to the final table and not get any additional points at all.


These were the rules at the start of the season

Well, yes, we know - the question is why? I haven"t seen an answer to my question, which was why is there a cap on live points? Is there any cap on online points, seeing as they are so much easier to come by?  It seems inequitable that the live games are capped but there is no mention of the same for online games. I know the rules won"t be changed now - the rules for this season are obviously the rules for the season. And I don"t have any complaints - the APAT events are great. This is just another contribution to the discussion about the points for next season.

I"ll await Mr Scouse"s reaction with trepidation.

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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2008, 13:55:42 PM »
FWIW, I agree with John (MintTrav) that National points are harder to accrue than online points. 

That said the reason that a cap was put on live events ahead of S2 was simply because a number of players were unable to get seats at National events, which were selling out within a minute or two of going on sale.  Therefore; with up to 18 points per National, it could have proved a distinct advantage for players who were able to "click" into National seats due to super fast broadband, etc.  Similarly not every player had reasonable access to Regional venues. 

Points allocation is an area that will be reviewed ahead of S3 being finalised.


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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2008, 20:07:30 PM »
Firstly John welcome lol !!
When i read the post it felt like a dig at online points when all can play em and there is always plenty of runners, and i will totally agree the nationals are best tourney and always full so points are definatley fair 1 point for every 10 players roughly! And these are very hard to get in top 18 , for 1 i have never done it.
I not sure about darren points bein docked which prob shouldnt but rules are rules, i was actually discussing this topic with him the other day and he didnt mention about losing points?
I think the online games are bread and butter of the APAT for points and finacial aspects of the game. Would the nationals be as good , i e no buy in ,free buffet etc without sponsorship of blue square. Also 4 games a month is not a lot to play and u dont have to play em all to do well!
I didnt want to sound as harsh as i did  john but i believe the more competitive games there are, online and live the better to find the best/most dedicated and of course lucky player for apat champion.
Seriously fella i see your point about live is harder if you on about nationals.
Online are not as good as live i agree too but they are required for the ease of playin and to get a better player at the top !! Obvious cream rises to top that is why i am winning !! And by the way that comment was very much tongue in cheek lol !! Anyway welcome again and i am sure you will let me buy you a beer while we can discuss it in london
and same goes for you des i would be very happy to give ides etc for season 3 if you dont mind me bending your ear ??

woop woop

Jon MW

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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #35 on: August 10, 2008, 20:27:44 PM »
Darren hasn"t lost any points, or been docked any points, the rule is that only the top 5 live points count.

It might only be semantics but I think losing points and docking points is, and should, be associated with penalising people obviously that"s not what this rule is about.
Jon "the British cowboy" Woodfield
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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #36 on: August 10, 2008, 20:41:50 PM »

Firstly John welcome lol !!
When i read the post it felt like a dig at online points when all can play em and there is always plenty of runners, and i will totally agree the nationals are best tourney and always full so points are definatley fair 1 point for every 10 players roughly! And these are very hard to get in top 18 , for 1 i have never done it.
I not sure about darren points bein docked which prob shouldnt but rules are rules, i was actually discussing this topic with him the other day and he didnt mention about losing points?
I think the online games are bread and butter of the APAT for points and finacial aspects of the game. Would the nationals be as good , i e no buy in ,free buffet etc without sponsorship of blue square. Also 4 games a month is not a lot to play and u dont have to play em all to do well!
I didnt want to sound as harsh as i did  john but i believe the more competitive games there are, online and live the better to find the best/most dedicated and of course lucky player for apat champion.
Seriously fella i see your point about live is harder if you on about nationals.
Online are not as good as live i agree too but they are required for the ease of playin and to get a better player at the top !! Obvious cream rises to top that is why i am winning !! And by the way that comment was very much tongue in cheek lol !! Anyway welcome again and i am sure you will let me buy you a beer while we can discuss it in london
and same goes for you des i would be very happy to give ides etc for season 3 if you dont mind me bending your ear ??

woop woop

I"ll be at the bar Steve  ;)


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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2008, 20:43:39 PM »

Darren hasn"t lost any points, or been docked any points, the rule is that only the top 5 live points count.

It might only be semantics but I think losing points and docking points is, and should, be associated with penalising people obviously that"s not what this rule is about.

I think that"s spot on Jon.  It"s Darren"s top 5 live points that count and that is where the focus should be.


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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #38 on: August 10, 2008, 21:53:55 PM »
When are the rankings due to be updated?

PS: Im down as Region: Eastern

Don"t think I should be, Im from Edinburgh
« Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 22:48:18 PM by xxMAIRxx »
Mary Kivlin


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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #39 on: August 10, 2008, 22:41:11 PM »
nice speakin to you online tonight !! minttrav (john)
good to see darren no points deducted but can see why live points where but there aint much chance of someone pointing in 5 ! Cos nationals are tough and u sure need a slice of luck to get threw such a tough field!
And would be good if rankings up dated so we know were we all at going into last few games please!! i know its tough john but if it helps i am on 58 lol
And see you at bar des but thats the norm innit lol ;)


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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #40 on: August 10, 2008, 23:10:17 PM »
We are awaiting the last two online results, which we should get early this week.  Updates to follow, but things are pretty tight on a number of fronts.


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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #41 on: August 11, 2008, 02:20:27 AM »
Yes, good to come across you tonight Scouse. What a coincidence, that we would be on the same online table today after all this. How did you do after I got myself knocked out? I went and played a direct qualifier for GUKPT. 5th out of 30 so no seat, though I got my entrance fee back so wasn"t too unhappy. Thinking about it afterwards, I already had the entrance fee before I played. If that was what I wanted, I could have watched telly instead.

Jon - if it helps with your calculations, my points should work out at 892.
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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #42 on: August 12, 2008, 14:19:03 PM »
nice one des hopefully there still be lots of potential champs going into london for the final event adds to the excitment!
And cheers minttrav was a strange co incidence but nice lol !
i ended up 6th 7th no cash so no joy lost a race ended up short pushed with ace in cut off ran into kk lol no ace!

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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #43 on: August 25, 2008, 16:45:45 PM »
The rankings have been updated up to and including the UK Open

36 online points left (including the Dutch Open which has run but we have not got the official results for yet)
18 live points left
Jon "the British cowboy" Woodfield
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Re: APAT National Rankings - Season Two
« Reply #44 on: August 25, 2008, 20:03:38 PM »
good work john , the only change at top was linda gettin a third i believe!