Welcome to the thread for the Sheffield Poker Club that plays in the APAT Online National League on 888pokerSheffield currently play in Division Two
The Password for this division is
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Club Captain
Forum ID -ronaldo07 Name - Iain Wilson 888Poker ID - LuciodogHi Iain here the new Sheffield team captain.
I have a long but not so glorious APAT history winning my 1st medal (bronze) in the S4 team event in Bolton and making my 1st final table in the English Omaha championship this month.
My time playing poker is limited due to work but this year i"m making most of my poker commitments to APAT. I would like to see Sheffield poker club build so please spread the word and we can grow and eventually we will pwn this league.
Please feel free to discuss all things Sheffield and poker related in this thread.
GL and lets Take this down.