After another successful season for West Midlands, here are some stats for the team....

We had a total of 36 players registered, of which 32 players played a part in the league at some stage, although 9 only played one game and 5 only played two games. That left us with 18 regular players, although only 14 played 9+ games, and only 2 played all 15 games. In short, when considering regular players, although we were a large club, we were actually quite a small team, and the initial registration of 36 players was a huge overstatement.
We had 18 players that scored points and contributed to the team"s league victory, and although it is to be confirmed (by Brian), I believe there was an agreement at the start of the season that all 18 now have a scaled percentage of any cash made by the three seat winners, Craig Thompson, Matt McKinlay, and Brian Yates.
Congratz to all in the West Mids team!