Author Topic: NORFOLK 'N' GOOD  (Read 77168 times)

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« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2011, 12:28:14 PM »

If anyone has followed my predictions for the first round they would have noticed I got a couple right. Wish I had made that trip to the bookies now!! I also had a couple of close ones and a couple of correct scores but just picked the wrong winners! With the start of the second round matches today, I"ve prepared my predictions:

M. Williams v J. Cope (13-8)
J. Trump v M. Gould (13-7)
G. Dott v A. Carter (10-13)
M. Allen v B. Hawkins (13-8)
S. Murphy v R. O"Sullivan (10-13)
S. Hendry v M. Selby (9-13) *assuming Mark Selby wins his first round match (currently 8-1)
D. Junhui v S. Bingham (13-6)
R. McLeod v J. Higgins (7-13) *assuming John Higgins wins his first round match (currently 6-3)

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« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2011, 01:49:00 AM »


If anyone has followed my predictions for the first round they would have noticed I got a couple right. Wish I had made that trip to the bookies now!! I also had a couple of close ones and a couple of correct scores but just picked the wrong winners! With the start of the second round matches today, I"ve prepared my predictions:

M. Williams v J. Cope (13-8)
J. Trump v M. Gould (13-7)
G. Dott v A. Carter (10-13)
M. Allen v B. Hawkins (13-8)
S. Murphy v R. O"Sullivan (10-13)
S. Hendry v M. Selby (9-13) *assuming Mark Selby wins his first round match (currently 8-1)
D. Junhui v S. Bingham (13-6)
R. McLeod v J. Higgins (7-13) *assuming John Higgins wins his first round match (currently 6-3)

yep u"ve had at least 1 look :)
agree with the above [for likely winner,not the frames] accept for Dotty, he gave Del Hill a visit before the crucible and the once-over it seems has produced some good form... Dotty with confidence is a tough nut to crack, so i think/hope that he"ll squeak through by the odd frame versus the Captain...
obv would luv to see ronn win the whole thing and if not Dotty or MJ Laid back Williams... but alas it would seem Higgins is the man to beat...


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« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2011, 11:27:09 AM »

Ok. So I got all but one winner right, predicted the correct score for the John Higgins match and got within one frame of a couple of others!! Here comes my Quarter Final predictions:

J. Trump v G. Dott (13-9)
M. Williams v M. Allen (13-11)
D. Junhui v M. Selby (10-13)
R. O"Sullivan v J. Higgins (13-12)

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« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2011, 11:18:13 AM »

The Norwich & District Snooker League Singles Tournament - Semi-finals (27th April 2011)

Table One was a one sided display of excellent snooker with Jamie Edwards winning 4-0 with help from a couple of 50+ breaks and a maximum attempt in the final frame eventually missing the 13th red on 96.

Table Two wasn"t quite so one sided... It brought together the defending champion (and winner for the last three years) Nick Spelman, and the under 19"s champion for the last three years, Grant Miles (also my team-mate).

Frame 1: After an edgy start by both players Nick was first to settle making a clearance of 85 to take the frame. (1-0)
Frame 2: Grant had the first opportunity and settled his nerves with a nice 44 break, a good safety, then a steady 24 to secure the frame. (1-1)
Frame 3: Both Nick and Grant had chances spawned in the first half of the frame which seen Nick create a 24 point lead , but a quality 60 clearance from Grant saw him take the lead for the first time in the match. (1-2)
Frame 4: Theres usually always an uneventful frame in any match and this match was no exception. A scrappy frame with Grant eventually coming out the winner. (1-3)
Frame 5: Nick, now with his back against the wall and needing to win three frames in a row proved he was up for the challenge winning with a well constructed 53 break. (2-3)
Frame 6: Nick had entered "The Zone" and produced two very quick and confident 40+ breaks to force the decider. (3-3)
Frame 7: Having sat out for two frames the pressure was now on Grant, he needed to dig deep and find a little bit of magic which he did in the form of a match winning 77 break to reach his first ever final in this competition. (3-4)

Final to be played: 3rd May 2011 - Report to follow
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« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2011, 10:24:04 AM »

So it"s Semi-finals time and I"d predicted two winners and got two wrong! It seems trying to predict the scores is impossible but I will still have a go:

Judd Trump v Ding Junhui (17-12)
Mark Williams v John Higgins (17-14)

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« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2011, 12:11:31 PM »
I spent the weekend moving.  :o

I now have a live-in partner (technically my partner has a live-in me)!! It was a huge decision to make and took me probably a couple of months to come to the following conclusion:

shared bills & less overheads = BIGGER BANKROLL

Anyway, due to the house change I have been without internet and was unable to complete my predictions on the:


So I"ll predict it now:

J. Higgins v J. Trump (18-15)  8)

Ok. maybe I"ve cheated a bit! To be honest I would have gone the other way and picked Judd to win just because he made the tournament that bit more exciting! What a great future this young lad has....

Judd has been likened to the next Alex Higgins, Jimmy White, Ronnie O"Sullivan but one of the amazing facts in our wonderful world where Derren Brown states "Nothing is Random":

Alex Higgins (would have been 63) was 14 years senior to Jimmy White (49)
Jimmy White (49) is 14 years senior to Ronnie O"Sullivan (35)

And guess what?

Ronnie O"Sullivan (35) is 14 years older than Judd Trump (21)

How Random is that? Or is it!!
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« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2011, 10:21:52 AM »
Snooker Extra

It was the final of the Norwich and District Snooker League last night but the match wasn"t that exciting so I will spare all the details!!
Jamie Edwards beat Grant Miles 5-1.

Judging by the mass of interest in my last few posts it seems snooker isn"t that popular amongst most of you so I sill swiftly move on to the great sport of Tiddly-Winks!!  :o

Maybe not!!!

Instead here"s a link to the wonderful view I have from workplace every day.  ;D

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« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2011, 11:39:10 AM »
Unfortunately I still have nothing of any importance to report. Due to moving house I"ve managed to leave myself with no internet for about another week, therefore no online poker. (I tried playing poker in work once but always got a customer when I had a good hand!)

Anyway, after spending an hour or so moving boxes into the attic last night, I decided it was time for me and the missus to go to the pub! Wednesday"s are a good pub night due to the:

Live Music

The band was called Agent Orange and played songs such as:

99 Red balloons (that French girl!)
I am the one and only (Chesney Hawks)

They did also do some stuff from Queen, Green Day, Kings of Leon and, the cider and vodka (not together) flowed quite well so not a too bad night.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2011, 15:47:52 PM by thinsy147 »
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« Reply #23 on: May 05, 2011, 11:50:01 AM »

Unfortunately I still have nothing of any importance to report.

Okay, I won"t bother reading the rest in that case.
5th place - Portsmouth Snooker Club £10 rebuy

Liz Lieu borrowed my pen - 01/06/2013


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« Reply #24 on: May 05, 2011, 12:31:18 PM »

Unfortunately I still have nothing of any importance to report.

Okay, I won"t bother reading the rest in that case.

Sometimes what seems unimportant at the time can become one of the most important things in your life!! Always take note of small detail no matter how irrelivant it seems at the time  ;)
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« Reply #25 on: May 13, 2011, 14:21:07 PM »
Ok everybody... Brace yourself!!! I"m actually going to comment about:


Last Tuesday was the first time i played poker of any kind (on-line/off-line) for about 3 weeks and had decided to invest my bankroll :o in the Tuesday £5 Re-Buy Donk-fest game @ Holt!  :P

2500 chips for £5, 15 minute blinds: 25/50, 50/100, 75/150, 100/200 (+3 hands), [end of re-buys], 150/300, 200/400 etc etc...

After playing the first hand of AK quite strongly, re-raising a raiser (3 of us going to the flop) betting out on the 9 high flop, and eventually losing to the river"d Q against AQ I decided to play quite loose......  :P
A little later I had pocket 10"s, raised to 400 (blinds 50/100) and got called by a chap who didn"t seem too confident with his game. The flop came J 3 4, I decided to shove my remaining 1900 chips with the reasoning that if he has hit the Jack I can always have yet another Re-Buy! Anyway he calls, I say so you have a Jack, he says nothing and turns A 4, the A on the turn and blank on the river sealed the deal and sent me on another walk of shame to the Re-Buy table! I did get a little lucky after spending a total of £30 and finished up at the end of the Re-Buy period with about 8000 chips!

With the Re-Buys over I decided to play a little tighter but did lose some chips when I got caught "at it" trying to steal against pocket A"s ::)

I eventually went out with the blind"s at 200/400 and only holding 3900 chips, first to act I looked at pocket 8"s and shoved, got one caller..... And a Re-Raiser!! Which was also called. I laid down my 8"s, the caller laid down her A"s, and the Re-raiser laid down his J"s and was very happy when he river"d what was aparently the only remaining Jack in the pack  :o

Fortunately, the early exits do tend to start up a "Dealers Choice" cash table which I invested £10 into and eventually finished the night cashing in £53. That"s a £13 profit on the night!!  8)
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« Reply #26 on: May 13, 2011, 15:10:04 PM »
Profit is profit  ;D


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« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2011, 15:26:47 PM »

Profit is profit  ;D

This is true  ;)
And the entertainment value is............  Priceless
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« Reply #28 on: May 18, 2011, 13:54:31 PM »

It"s the day after another Tuesday £5 Re-Buy Donk-fest game @ Holt!   :P

2500 chips for £5, 15 minute blinds: 25/50, 50/100, 75/150, 100/200 (+3 hands), [end of re-buys], 150/300, 200/400 etc etc...

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

Here"s a few hands that occurred:

The Good - It was still in the re-buy period and I had a stack of around 5000 with the blinds at 100/200.  Whilst in the SB I have  :as: ks and am considering a raise, UTG+1 flat calls, the cutt-off makes a raise to 600 (this player has been making regular pre-flop raises followed by checking to the river before betting out again so I am considering being able to either out-play him or see the whole board without too much more expense if I miss, depending on how I feel after the flop), I call, UTG+1 re-raises another 2000, cut-off calls, I see pot value  :P so call too.......
Flop  js 9s :3s:
First to act I shove (putting the others all-in), instant call from UTG+1, call from the cut-off!!
I show my AK flush
UTG+1 shows top set (3 jacks)
The very strange cut-off player shows Q6 off-suit (no spade)!!!!
Nice big pot in excess of 13000  ;D

The Bad - Involving the same three players blinds at 150/300 (buy-in period is over)!! This time I"m UTG+1 with  qh  :3c: and call (still with around 13000 chips), call from the player who previously had the trip jacks UTG+3 (about 9000 chips), the usual pre-flop raise (min raise) from the "strange" player who is SB (about 4000 chips) , we both call.
Flop  jd ts 6d
As expected SB checks, I check, UTG+3 checks
Turn  qc
SB checks, I check, UTG+3 checks
River  :3h:
SB makes his usual river bet (500), I re-raise to 2000, UTG+3 re-raises all in, SB folds, I fold!!

The hands were declared afterwards out of interest:
SB only had a pocket pair of 7"s
I had 2 pair
UTG+3 had K9 for the straight!!

The Ugly - Blinds are 300/600. I"m on the final table in the BB (about 11000 chips) with a min raise UTG (20000 chips), and a call UTG+1 (20000 chips) and a call UTG+2 (5500 chips), I call with  ks jc
Flop   8s 9c ts
I check, UTG checks, UTG+1 checks, UTG+2 goes All-in for 4300, I call, UTG says "well if your calling, I"m calling!", UTG+1 says "So will I then!"
Turn  qh
I push my last 5500 hoping for more action and do from UTG, UTG+1 folds!
UTG+2 shows 2 pair Q 10 (for a side pot)
I show my straight to the King
UTG reveals AJ saying "I only need to hit a King"

And guess what the King came to give him the straight to the Ace and sent me out as bubble boy!!  :"(

Anyway, just as last week I entered the cash game and managed to clear another huge £12.50 profit for the night!  ;D

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« Reply #29 on: May 20, 2011, 11:14:19 AM »

At long last I have internet at home again! Decided to break myself in gently with a few sit & go"s. Can"t say it went too well. First game I think I was a little too eager (played too many hands)!! Then, I started to play better but managed to consistently get beat when all-in with the best of it.

I had pocket A"s up against 5 7 on a J 3 7 flop..... River"d 7
I had pocket Q"s up against pocket 8"s, flop comes 5 6 7.... turn 4
I had AK against AJ, all-in on a AKJ flop..... River"d J
Also lost a few 60-40 splits!

A couple of times I did get it in behind too, but I didn"t get any help!!

Overall finished about -$17 so isn"t too hurtful.
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