Author Topic: NORFOLK 'N' GOOD  (Read 76738 times)

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« Reply #90 on: November 05, 2011, 10:53:50 AM »
The Sky"s The Limit

You shouldn"t have favorites! All things should be equal! But....

Last night was my second night trying out my newly opened poker account on SkyPoker.  The first night didn"t go well so I gave it a few weeks before trying again but nothing had changed.

My first failind last night was when I had AA in the BB. UTG+2 made a call (just like he has on virtually every hand so far!). Then the DB made a 3x raise, I 3x re-raise, UTG+2 calls as does the DB. Flop comes 6 5 3. I bet half the pot, UTG+2 min raises (as he has done previously only to get lucky on an all-in) DB folds. I decide this guy can"t keep getting lucky so shove all-in!! As it turned out, he already had!! It seems the way forward in online poker is to call a raise and a re-raise with 6 3 offsuit!!!

I then had four races: 88 v AKss, AQ v AJ, 99 v J9, 55 v A4..... Lost them all.

Finally trying to steal on the button with QJ the BB calls. Flop comes J high, rainbow flop, no conecting cards... Perfect. Bet half pot, get shoved on, call, BB shows AA!

Because of all this I will not stop playing on SkyPoker. However, I will stop playing on it because for some reason it seems to run slow on my laptop and often leaves me with very little time to act (it may be their fault, it may be my laptop but I don"t have a problem on other sites). Also, I just don"t feel comfortable playing on the site. Sorry Sky but for that reason I"m out!! (well, once I"ve donked off my remaining £14 bankroll)

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« Reply #91 on: November 07, 2011, 23:23:48 PM »
Jobs A Good"un

A few posts back I wrote about the good news of me becoming a dad....

Then, I mentioned the not so good news about becoming redundant.....

Now I can declare some more good news.......

I have a new job lined up...

My new boss likes poker, my new boss is giving me weekends off, and if I make lots of money for my new boss he will pay for me to play a few APAT events next year. My new boss is actually a member on here.... In fact, I can reveal my new boss is going to be ME

The opportunity came about during a party after a few ciders had been consumed! But having spent time researching I"ve decided it"s something I have to give a go....

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« Reply #92 on: November 15, 2011, 00:07:44 AM »
The preparations for my new job venture is going well. I"ve bought a van but unfortunately this means my previous mode of transport has to be sold:

Now which one of you guys want to buy the missus a nice Christmas present?

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« Reply #93 on: November 19, 2011, 13:45:38 PM »
Sky High

Went back to SkyPoker last night to give it another try:

Played their £11 Bounty Hunter which started at 9.30pm. Things went quietly for the first hour, won a little, lost a little and gradually built my 2K starting stack upto nearly 3K. I then lost about 1K with KJ v KQ on a K high flop. At this time I was expecting the usual shoving and losing routine, but it didn"t happen. I doubled up twice and had about 6K.

Soon after this I got moved to another table, and was reaquainted with a very loose/agressive player who got taken from our starting table earlier and he had a lot of chips!! I was the DB on his BB and thought I could get an easy double up when the right hand is dealt. So, I stole his BB a couple of times and eventually got my double up from him. He"d obviously been running over this table for a while and now I"d taken the wind out of his sails it was my turn to progress....

Before I knew it I had risen to 4th in chips with 3 tables left (18 players). This table was difficult though, six handed with the top two chip leaders and me! However, the chip leader began to take players out left and centre (not the right, that was me) including the 2nd chip leader with 55 v AQ on a 55A flop, followed by a Q on the turn!

Down to 2 tables I was 3rd in chips, but chip leader on my table with double the next player, so I bullied my way to the final table. The chipleader was still the same "Quad fives player" who immediately knocked out another player with Quad Queens I think. I then knocked a player out to go 2nd in chips. 4th place was eliminated by the 3rd place guy but was handsomely rewarded with chips from the chipleader too. This left me 3/3. I played fairly tight for three handed but felt the aggression from the other two would see me ladder to HU!

I went into Heads Up 8-1 behind in chips.. Managed to turn it round to a 8-1 chip advantage but couldn"t get the job finished. The last hand was when we were roughly even in chips, I called a small raise with T8 (spades) and the flop came 79T. He shoved, I called, he had TJ. No help.

I was happy with my game, happy with the result. Just over £350 for 2nd and just over £50 in bounties  ;D
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« Reply #94 on: November 19, 2011, 15:06:14 PM »
N1 Colin, keep it going  :)
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« Reply #95 on: November 22, 2011, 12:17:03 PM »
From The Sky Came a Star

Having won on SkyPoker, but still not totally convinced I like the site I decided to cash a chunk of cash out and reinvest it into PokerStars.

First tournament was a 500 chip/6 seat satellite (aprox. $19 entry with 2 seats Gtd) into their Monday Big $55 ($100K Gtd):

Very first hand I was dealt 44 so decided to see how my luck was.... Got called by 77.... Hit a 4
Then I just sat back and watched others knock each other out. Eventually I won my seat.

My game wasn"t good in the Big $55, within a few hands I was dealt KK and UTG had made a 3x raise, I reraised 3x, all folded round to the initial raiser who shoved. I knew he had AA, I got that "feeling", I told myself "If he re-re-raises he"ll have Aces". But of course, I couldn"t bring myself to fold, and there it was: KK v AA. The board ran out: JTx, 9, Q for a straight. I got lucky!

A few hands Later UTG had raised, I had AQ and decided to see a flop: Q high. UTG bets out as expected, I raise and he calls. Turn is a blank, he checks so I bet half the pot, he calls (I"m putting him on AT, AJ, AK now. Only a King on the river is a worry). Sure enough a K on thr river is dealt, he shoves (about 2/3rds of the pot), I should now realise he has AK and fold but I can"t help but call. He shows AK!

I"m now back to around the 3K starting stack. I get AA, raise, no callers!

I get too involved in a multi-way pot on a straight draw and lose chips.
I couldn"t release my chips with a flush/OE straight draw, only call and miss. If I"d have shoved I"m sure he"d have folded!

I raise with 77 and someone shoves over the top. I have him covered. I think he"s probably shoving with a high kicked Ace. I have him covered and call: 77 v KK: K on the flop and no help for me!

I"m down to sawdust now. 5bb"s. With the BB coming round I shove with K3 (any two cards!). Surprisingly, it folds round to the BB who calls me with QJ, we both miss the board and I have about 11bb"s.

Only a few hands later I am dealt AQ suited, There is a raise and a call before my shove, initial raiser calls and the caller folds. AQ v KJ: A on the flop and it holds.

Blinds go up and I still have 25bb"s.

I then lose a few blinds very quickly due to going through the BB/SB, getting moved to a new table and hitting the blinds again.

I then get dealt JJ. The BB is a huge chipstack so I overbet to about 4.5bb"s (I"m happy to call for all my chips if I have to). As I thought, the aggressive chipstacked player pushed me all-in. Time to race............. Or not! He shows QQ. No help for me and I go out in 575th place (2293 runners).

Although I really felt my game was bad, I managed to run through three quarters of the field. So, it was slightly pleasing to think what I might do if  when I do play well?

I decided to have a "wind down" game: 180 man, $2.50 Turbo.

Nothing exciting to report but did manage a min-cash.


Big $55 satellite:  $19.00       SEAT WON
Big $55:              $0.00         NO WIN
180 seat TURBO:  $2.50          $ 4.90


However, cleverly Re-Loading my PokerStars account in 2 parts:

FREE $1 entry into their WORLD RECORD attempt.
FREE $10 when depositing $100 (Only have to earn 10VPP"s)

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« Reply #96 on: December 10, 2011, 14:34:39 PM »
It"s been a while since I posted anything here but to be honest you should all feel thankful... A human can only put up with so much grumpiness!!

Lucky for you, you"re getting it in summary form:

I"ll start with the job situation... I"m nearly done in my current job now and have been busy setting up my new venture. That"s been full of ups and downs. I needed a van, I bought a van, the van broke! I"ve got a new van! All worked out in the end but was very stressful.

Now fatherhood... Everything is going fine there, we"ve got our 20 week scan on Monday 19th December and, even though I get told not to find out, I want to know what the sex is. After all, I need to know whether the train set, remote control tank and racing car set needs to be in pink or not!

Looking forward to the new year and all the excitement, opportunities, good fortune and happiness it should bring me.

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« Reply #97 on: December 11, 2011, 23:35:08 PM »
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« Reply #98 on: December 12, 2011, 16:28:11 PM »
In the first posted hand, what did you have that lost?  :)
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« Reply #99 on: December 13, 2011, 13:23:54 PM »

The SundayStorm attracted about 116,000 players in the end, so I telephoned work to tell them I wont be in for 10 days! I lasted about 2 hours in the end. I was very pleased with how I played, I never really got fantastic hands (KK once and Ax here and there) but managed to gradually build up my 5k starting stack upto a high of about 10k.

Then..... I lost most of my chips like this:

I"m in the BB (150/300/30)
UTG+2: raises to 600
MP: calls
DB: raises to 1200
SB: calls
I re-raise to 3000
UTG+2: folds
MP: folds
DB: calls 1440 and is all-in
SB: calls 1800

FLOP: 7h 8s 6c

SB: bets 1640 and is all-in
I called

TURN: 3c


Ooopsss..... Didn"t realise I forgot to put the hands in!


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« Reply #100 on: December 17, 2011, 22:48:06 PM »
Who want"s to be a millionaire?

I do......

I had a good afternoon on PokerStars. I allowed myself $80 to try and satellite into tomorrows $10M anniversary event, I was playing the $8 buy in, 36 man 2x shootout qualifiers and eventually won my $215 entry having spent about $60 (won $20 on my very first game and won my seat at my 9th attempt)

So, all I have to do tomorrow now is play good, solid poker for about 15 hours!!

Chuffed to win my seat and am looking forward to Sunday

Also looking forward to Monday....... I will be getting something money can"t buy! I"ll get to know the sex of my unborn child.

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« Reply #101 on: December 18, 2011, 23:31:25 PM »
Someone Stole My $2Million

This is how I went out:


PokerStars Game #72397397464: Tournament #551020010, $200+$15 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (400/800) - 2011/12/18 22:51:28 WET [2011/12/18 17:51:28 ET]
Table "551020010 1038" 9-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Pizdariki (25615 in chips)
Seat 2: Scott Fraza (27207 in chips)
Seat 3: Oleg002 (65562 in chips)
Seat 4: thinsy (21551 in chips)
Seat 5: Drogentester (22366 in chips)
Seat 6: o cruce (26966 in chips)
Seat 7: LeoFara (4450 in chips)
Seat 8: AApennoten (34340 in chips)
Seat 9: Mikhail_D (25958 in chips)
Pizdariki: posts the ante 80
Scott Fraza: posts the ante 80
Oleg002: posts the ante 80
thinsy: posts the ante 80
Drogentester: posts the ante 80
o cruce: posts the ante 80
LeoFara: posts the ante 80
AApennoten: posts the ante 80
Mikhail_D: posts the ante 80
LeoFara: posts small blind 400
AApennoten: posts big blind 800
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to thinsy [ Qc Qs ]
Mikhail_D: folds
Pizdariki: folds
Scott Fraza: folds
Oleg002: folds
thinsy: raises 1200 to 2000
Drogentester: raises 20286 to 22286 and is all-in
o cruce: folds
LeoFara: folds
AApennoten: folds
thinsy: calls 19471 and is all-in
Uncalled bet (815) returned to Drogentester
*** FLOP *** [ 6c Jc 4c ]
*** TURN *** [ 6c Jc 4c ] [ 5h ]
*** RIVER *** [ 6c Jc 4c 5h ] [ 10h ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
thinsy: shows [ Qc Qs ] (a pair of Queens)
Drogentester: shows [ Jd 10d ] (two pair, Jacks and Tens)
Drogentester collected 44862 from pot
thinsy finished the tournament in 24974th place

On the plus side:
If I was still in and playing at half 9 in the morning when we are supposed to be heading for our 20 week scan I would have lost more than chips.... I think my "sausage" would have been in danger!!

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« Reply #102 on: December 18, 2011, 23:58:49 PM »

On the plus side:
If I was still in and playing at half 9 in the morning when we are supposed to be heading for our 20 week scan I would have lost more than chips.... I think my "sausage" would have been in danger!!



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« Reply #103 on: December 20, 2011, 12:25:18 PM »
REQUEST: Can APAT have a ladies only tournament by the year 2030?

So, it turns out my winning little swimmer from 20 weeks ago was female... Yep, come May 2012 I"m gonna be outnumbered!! I"m going to be a daddy to a little girl.

For her 18th birthday I want to pay the buy-in of her first poker tournament. I wan"t it to be a ladies only APAT tournament so I can distant her from you lot... Will probably need to  keep her away from Tighty"s camera too!!  :P

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« Reply #104 on: December 25, 2011, 00:24:52 AM »
*~o~* MeRrY ChRiStMaS To AnYoNe WhO StiLL BoThErS To ReAd My BLoG *~o~*
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