Last night after exiting the Bunch of Fives Tourney I decided to play a couple of hours full ring cash. I was enjoying myself and made quite a nice profit against some dubious "calling station" types.
I found it funny that one of the players decided to label everybody that won a pot against him either a donk or an idiot, or in my case "an idiot donk"
Five minutes before deciding to finish for the night I was all-in with QQ against a relatively short stack who was holding AK on a flop of K 7 4 . My 2-outer hit on the river and my night was complete.
I have just checked my emails to find the message "Congrats from 888"
I have qualified for the Royal Wedding Freeroll tonight. This is because during the week of the royal wedding I hit one of the royal poker hands (i.e. 3 of a kind Queens. 3 of a kind Kings, FHouse Kings over or Queens over, or Royal Fush).
Life just gets better

born lucky