Author Topic: Criticised for not folding m omaha tourney hand here  (Read 8146 times)

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Re: Criticised for not folding m omaha tourney hand here
« Reply #15 on: February 18, 2011, 15:18:37 PM »

NAKED you should never gambool NAKED youl get a terrible draft or a terrible whiffed  :-[ :-[.......paulie-d your spelling is terrabol

My spelling is least I can spell "draught" and "you"ll" and "terrible" (yes, I know the last one was on purpose)
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Re: Criticised for not folding m omaha tourney hand here
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2011, 16:40:28 PM »
As many have said, it"s very player dependent this spot and the villain was calling down alot of his chips light with not much of a redraw. I felt this was a spot to double up as he rarely had much. And we were playing alot of pots together (6 max) and there was other metagame going on as we kept making each other fold. Yeah I realise 4 over cards are inconsequential in PLO but had a feeling that if I hit one I should be good as he was seen to doo this with medium pairs (77,88,99,1010) on a paired 5 hi board.

At the lower levels there is alot of limping but as others said, you can have 4 limpers to a pot. But if you open raise you still get the same number calling. I find it"s the pot 3 bet that thins the field

You open with aces in plo with no flush draw then get 4 callers your in a world of pain unless you flop top set or get lucky and hit trips with your danglers! However, 3 limpers or a raise then 2 callers an you 3 bet the field will thin alot then


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Re: Criticised for not folding m omaha tourney hand here
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2011, 17:15:30 PM »


Hey, if it was the spelling police, I"d have edited his post and banned him.  ;D :o

It only takes a few seconds more to think about what you"re typing and do it neatly.

Kids today...tut!

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Re: Criticised for not folding m omaha tourney hand here
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2011, 17:26:35 PM »
tut tut tut ;D ; going 2 :-* :-* :-* you when i meat u ;) ;)


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Re: Criticised for not folding m omaha tourney hand here
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2011, 09:46:38 AM »
Raising is standard with this hand, especially with other stack sizes. Given that we are playing the pot HU vs other big stack I might check this behind for pc as I would hate to b/f this hand. Also saying that 4 overcards are irrelevant is being over simplistic and probably wrong, especially vs one opponent, they all add to our equity against his range of possible hands. Given you have ok but not super equity here I might check back the flop rather than commit
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Re: Criticised for not folding m omaha tourney hand here
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2011, 19:41:24 PM »

For that reason it is very typical for (most) Omaha players to prefer to limp rather than raise. Not always but it"s more prevalent in Omaha than HE.

This is very much not the case when u move up the levels.  PLO has become a very aggressive pre-flop game these days, and to see any decent reg open limp pre is pretty lol.  Multi-way pots are not our friend when equitys are so close, Without pfr it just turns into a who runs better game...

Oh, I agree...but "most" PLO players are at the lower levels (as I am)....and a pre-flop raise (at these lower levels) just makes it more likely that the whole hand will become a bingo fest.

Its pretty important to the development of ur (or ne1 else playing these stakes) game that you dnt just conform to the standard and have a limp-fest.  Any skill advantage is negated and it will allow bad habits to creep into your game.

Edit: I would rather swell pots pre when we have the best hand, than play a "he who hits, wins" game.

At the micro limits if you limp you might get 4 callers
If you"d raised, you"d still get 4 callers - you might have swelled the pot when you have the best hand (you might be 17% favourite instead of 15% for example) - but how is this not going to still just go down to "he who hits, wins"   (barring the circumstances where you"re up against such weak players that you can steal the pot even if they do hit)

You can"t say barring that though Jon.

In PLO this is very important. You get players who will only 3bet with big pairs then will fold them to pressure on the flop. This is far more common than NLHE. You get players who will call you down light as well. It"s easier than NLHE in this way, both of these spots means it is to your advantage to have a bigger pot.

Also as we are going to play the flop better than out opponent (we hope) then we want to make the pot bigger, so even if we don"t hit a monster we still make more money. I would say if you are coming into an unopened pot preflop you should come in for a raise. You can then go from the flop but you will have the advantage of having control of the pot.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.