Author Topic: 500-600 players... Question?  (Read 1497 times)

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500-600 players... Question?
« on: May 13, 2011, 22:58:46 PM »
How the hell do you get your mind set that if you are going to get any pennies out of this then you are going to be playing for some time..
Tonights 20K I was out within the hour. Having to be in work for about 6.30 in the morning doesn"t help much but that shouldn"t have been on my mind in the first hour..
What is the best way to sort your head out about the time involved, how is the boredom of being a rock resolved.? How long do some people endlessly fold until the brain says "call" with a crap hand.. How do you cope with the kids going to bed and the wife still watching rubbish on the telly and knowing that you will still be sitting up when she goes to bed...
Do you have a drink or not.. Just a few cans of Stella can"t do any harm surely, until you realise you have called an all-in and see 6 cans on the look up again and get abused for being a donk.
Need these tips quick for next weeks Welsh Online Champs.... Ha Ha... Only kidding, need the tips anyway...
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