VWP all point scorers... watched till all Luton had been eliminated.. i can say it was terrible beats that you guys took to be ousted ... Stuart losing a huge pot all in pre with his KK v 66 ... 6 on flop... Nellie lost a massive pot blind on blind guy raises her bb from sb with KJ off Nellie shoves all in with QQ guy calls??? hits K on turn.. then claire has QT in bb calls a raise from buttonflops a Q guy has Q8 with flush draw and hits.. and cant forget Richard who shoved from BB with AJ after guy raises utg with KQ off instant call obv Q on flop... i know luck is a major factor in these tourneys.. but i cant believe some of the bad calls with marginal hands when they must know they are behind esp when they havent invested that much pre flop.. oh well i guess we want them calls in the long run
.. wp again guys ..see you all matchday 5
Carl in quite correct and as I said last week the standard is a joke compared to Div 2 last season. It"s just like playing in a pub with about 20 decent players and a load of chancers.
Rode my luck far too much last night but managed to bubble the final table which was a great result due to me being down to 840 chips at one stage. Sickening to go out with KK v 66 when action was only raised to 6k and i went all in with 33k, never mind thats poker i suppose and still can"t believe Richard got called so quickly with KQ off for 18k all in. See you all at the next matchday.
Having already raised, it"s an easy call with KQ for 10% of his stack to eliminate a player late in the tournament. We are only in bad shape against AQ or better, whereas Richard could have shoved with a much wider range. If I know Richard has AJ, I"m definitely calling with 40%. Having raised, the pot odds alone make it a call with a big stack, added to which is the tournament scenario. Anyone who thinks poker is about getting their chips in ahead doesn"t really understand the game imo.
Just following on from the comments made as most of the calls were prob me

All I have to say is yes I rode my luck and yes a few were marginal calls but the way I was looking at it was I had to get onto the final table with big chips to help our team along we only had 2 players left in the torney yes I do check all the time how many players we have left and other teams, so u got to take into account to score any points for the team you have to go for the win or nothing else (Yes there is money at stake but I am a team player and will go for it end of I had to be on that final table with a big chip stack which I managed yes by some behind play but if i was to go out then I aint lost anything, As you say I could of gone in with AA and lost.)
I have to say it was a enjoyable game with lots of banter.
See ya all matchday 5