OK lets look at the options here
1. Call - Flop comes Q high, with so much in pot and out of position you have to push and if he has underpair and has tripped up you are fecked, if he has AA you were beat anyway, if he has underpair and missed you dont get paid, if he has AK he should call as he is priced against an underpair and you still risk him hitting A on turn or river. An A comes, you have to make a continuation bet into a 10k pot, to see where you are, so probably 2500 minimum, you have commited 3/4 of your stack and have to pass to a re-raise, so you are pretty well crippled early on.
2. Fold - If with the limited info at hand you put him on AA might fold, although the chances of him having AA when you hold KK are 24.5:1 and you are only going to see it once every 542 hands played.
3. Push - if you push and he has AK, QQ or below, he should be putting you on AA or KK and should pass. If he doesn"t and he has AK you are 72-28 fave, if he has an underpair you are 80-20 fave. If in the unlikely event (See above) that he has AA, then you are virtually priced in anyway.
I think on balance you have to push here. The only reason we are folding here is because it is early in the tournament. Is that really a good enough reason?
At the very worst you run into AA and either go home saying you got cold decked or you dish out a bad beat and he goes home with a bad beat story. A win-win situation if I ever heard one.