I watch lots of poker on tv, and was thinking what would be the best 9 handed table to watch for pure entertainment purposes..and then thinking what would be my dream 9 handed table to play at... after watching this seasons premier leauge poker i realise that alot of the "coffe housing" etc is done to increase both entertainment and audience numbers, but still enjoyed the banter immensly.. what are your "dream" table line ups??
Table to watch on tv...
Seat1. .. Phil Helmuth (obv target for others to rib)
Seat2. .. Tony G ( tilts Helmuth)
Seat3. .. Luke Shwartz ( talks the most trash)
Seat4. .. Mike Matusow (blows up a little like Helmuth)
Seat5. .. Tom Dwan (hates Shwartz)
Seat6. .. Humberto Brenes (like Geshkenbein... could tilt most players)
Seat7. .. Valadimir Geshkebein (watched him win the 2009 PKR Heads up. enough to tilt anyone!)
Seat8. .. Devil fish ( makes me lol)
Seat9. .. Liv Boree (eye candy)
To play at ...
Seat1. .. Me
Seat2. .. Phil Ivey (best player in world imo)
Seat3. .. Tom Dwan (super aggresive)
Seat4. .. Ram Vaswani (like his game)
Seat5. .. Praz Banzi (plays awesome)
Seat6. .. Doyle Brunson (met him at bay101 genuine nice guy and still has a good game)
Seat7. .. Phil Laak (My fav player, anyone who can play 115hours live to beak world record has my respect)
Seat8. .. Liv Boree (ermm eye candy)
Set9. . Ger (easy money.. i run like Usain Bolt versus him!
