I play all my poker on gut feel, don"t use HUD"s or poker tracker etc because I don"t take it seriously enough. Never dabbled with ICM either. This sit cropped up after 4 hours play in the Poker Player GP freeroll.
Prizes are $250, $150 and $100 plus winner gets a seat in grand final.
Chip leader is abso crushing the FT he had 1/3rd of chips when 10 handed and half the chips when 5 handed.
All the hands I"ve been called with on this table have been decent. The big stack has been sat immediately on my right the whole FT, and I haven"t once reshoved him though I did shove on his BB a few times along the way. Basically 3 handed I"ve been shoving on the shortie with 100% success so was expecting to get HU with the big stack.
This just feels like too big a call to make, since he hasn"t put his stack at risk to that extent on FT as no-one ever had more than I had at this point. Or is it a good spot for him to take a pot shot, knowing that the shortie is gonna be in bad shape?
If it"s a bad play, what do you think his calling range should be? If it"s a good play, how much wider should his calling range be? Anything wrong with my shove?
Not a 50p, just looking to learn from those that know better. Thx.
***** History for hand T5-155222754-290 (TOURNAMENT: "Grand Prix Event 1", O-26899-1, buy-in: $0) *****
Start hand: Tue Jul 05 00:11:02 BST 2011
Table: Table #16 [155222754] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 3500/7000, ante: 700, Chips)
User: AJDUK34
Button: seat 3
Players in round: 3
Seat 3: betu2riv1 (59646)
Seat 8: Sammy.John (395247)
Seat 9: AJDUK34 (163107)
Sammy.John posts ante 700
AJDUK34 posts ante 700
betu2riv1 posts ante 700
Sammy.John posts small blind (3500)
AJDUK34 posts big blind (7000)
Dealing pocket cards
Dealing to AJDUK34: [


betu2riv1 folds
Sammy.John raises 31500 to 35000
AJDUK34 raises 155407 to 162407 [all in]
Sammy.John calls 127407
--- Dealing flop [ :



--- Dealing turn [ js]
--- Dealing river [ qd]
Main pot: 326914 won by Sammy.John (326914)
Rake taken: $0
Seat 3: betu2riv1 (58946), net: -700
Seat 8: Sammy.John (559054), net: +163807, [ jd, qs] (TWO_PAIR QUEEN, JACK)
Seat 9: AJDUK34 (0), net: -163107, [


***** End of hand T5-155222754-290 *****