Looking at this, I can"t fault a 3 bet trying to take it down there and then.
However if you are going to check call the bets on 2 streets, why not lead on the flop?
You have taken control of the aggression in the hand by virtue of being called after the 3 bet.
Now the villians range can be pretty wide to call a 3 bet here including AAxx, but you need to test that by leading.
The check looks weak (ok if you have AA here), so you need to represent a hand you would 3 bet with pre. So perhaps instead of calling off $24 in bets and giving the villain the initiative you could lead for maybe $12ish. If he raises you then you can easily fold (remembering you have repped strength and he has to have a narrower range to call or raise) and you saved $12 and gave yourself a shot at winning the pot there and then. If he calls then you re-evaluate on the turn and then if it feels right barrel again.
The problem when we get to the river is that you have no idea what he has, you haven"t tested his hand, just check called it, at the river so many hands have gotten ahead of you that you can never call unless you have a read that he is on total air, but you would never have got that information because you didn"t ask the question.
I agree with Dave"s range analysis as well.
Oh and bin pre, much better spots to tangle