One of the worst things that has happened to me was as follows, I"m in BB with about 15BB left, Mid position makes it 4bb to go, He is very laggy and I have goo but it"s folded round to me and I start to count out a raise but just smooth call with lots of acting etc. I am putting all my chips in whatever comes down, the dealer puts 2 cards down and before the last card is down villain announces all in
What should TD have done? Villain never showed his cards and was awarded the pot because I was asked if I wanted to call and I said of course I f%&*ing don"t, he"s stolen my action....... oh well unlucky was the response...... I handled it fairly well and went out of said tourney 3 hands later.
Just like peoples opinion on whether this guy should have been allowed to make this play
Simple answer is.. No he"s not allowed to make this play.
It is you turn to act.. if you check, then his all-in stands.. if you bet/move all-in then he has all his options.
The same thing happened to me last night in a UKIPT sat. In BB, I called a pre-flop raise early in the tournament. I flopped a draw and c/c a small c-bet. Missed on Turn and c/c a small bet again. Missed again on River and, before I did anything, he went all-in for 2.5k, which was about the pot. I asked what the ruling is and both the dealer and another player, who I recognised as a dealer from DTD, said that the bet stands irrespective of what I do. I called the floor, who ruled that he had all options including folding, if I made any bet. I was pretty sure that he was bluffing and angle-shooting by deliberately acting out of turn, so this was the ruling I wanted. I considered shoving myself so as to put him in the position of not being able to call without a hand. However, he now knows that I didn"t want to call his bet. Even if he is not strong, I know he must be ahead and he now has information to call light.
From a starting stack of 4k, my possible outcomes were Shove & Lose - 0.5k, Shove and he folds - 5.5k, Fold - 3k. Shove and Win at Showdown would be 8.5k, but it is pretty impossible for me to win if he calls. In a normal tournament, I might have gone for it but, in a satellite, I wasn"t playing to win and 3k is still a playable stack.
Although I"d got the ruling I wanted, in the end I folded anyway so it worked for him.