Author Topic: Have I missed something?  (Read 2979 times)

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Have I missed something?
« on: July 18, 2011, 20:58:26 PM »
Ref: Harrah"s Poker Room, from AllVegasPoker from 2008 (

An example of this is the rule regarding asking to another players hands. While we have not changed the rule, we have adopted a new method of dealing with the requests. I believe most people would agree that the rule was designed to curb collusion, and that the intent of the rule is to allow a player a method by which they can address the concern of potentially illicit play. This rule has unfortunately become a needling tool, used just to annoy people, or at best, to gain information about play that the player really isn"t entitled to.

Our way of handling this now is that dealers cannot make the decision to show the cards. A floorperson must be called over, and the floorperson explains the rule, and the reason for it. We then ask the player making the request if they believe that there was illicit play involved. If they answer no, we muck the hand.

Why, oh why, has this approach not been adopted by all poker rooms everywhere??
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Re: Have I missed something?
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2011, 21:05:34 PM »

I believe that this was one of the "new" rules introduced in this year"s TDA summit.

Basically, you cannot ask to see a hand for information purposes. Any request to see a losing hand is met with a call to the floor who should ask the basis for the request.

I"m waiting on the new rules to be published to confirm.

BTW..Harrahs" poker room has changed managers twice since 2008 so their "rule" may not still be in effect.
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