I checked the flop for deception to give the impression I had A-K, A-Q or that my button-raise was a classic squeeze play gone wrong.
When I bet the innocuous turn and he re-popped, I think that my plan has worked and put him on a middle pair like 7-7 to 9-9 as I obviously hadn"t got a bigger pair as I checked the flop.
I gave it some thought and although he might have limped UTG with 2-2 or 4-4, i don"t think he would smash a big re-raise in like that if he was well ahead. Therefore my only worry is A-6 or a flush draw, so I shoved all-in. He was getting good odds to call now but he did give it some thought (about 5 seconds) before he flipped over......

..........for NO DRAWS and NO PAIR !!!!!
I am still gutted today.
I took my glasses off and said "What the hell were you thinking?"........just as the :as: hit the river.
I can honestly say that I have never had anything happen like that before in terms of such a bad call against a player (me) who 3 hands before had folded a full-house face-up to turned quads.