I played this.
First break 18500.
2nd break 34500 (was ahead of Boeree, Hasham, Negraneau, Isildur, Duhammel etc.....)
didn"t make 3rd break!!!!!!
3 times had top, top post flop having raised and been called by SB. 3 times SB flopped a set. The same f"ing guy!!!!!!!
Third time I re-raised him. having folded the 2 previously to big river bets and he 4 bet me big so I had to fold again.
Exit hand had qc qd so raised to 1100 and once again SB called. Flop kh qs :

: . He checks, I bet 1800, he raises, I shove my last 8k and he calls with ks kc obv. FML