Hello everybody, i have the honour of looking after the,
"Apat Champions Team" for 2011 in Luton.
The team will comprise of eight players. I would really like to see as many candidates apply as is possible.
The requirements are: That You are an Apat Champion(Having won an Apat Gold Medal), Either Live (Main Event/Side event) or You have won an online Apat Gold Medal.
You should be able to lose or win with dignity, whilst having a laugh along the way, basically enjoy yourself.

Anybody wishing to be part of this Fun Journey to Luton, Please P.M. me with Your full name, and Why You want to play.(Notice, not why you think you should play).

Although You can also express this if you so wish.
Lastly, Name of Tournament for which you won Gold. One will suffice, no long lists please!!

I pre-empt the replies with a solemn, "Thank You"
Cheers Paul Mac, see you in Luton........Weyhey!!

Closing date to be Announced.............................................Soon.