with no reads of any sort to go by, just that he has played 25% of hands, then its tough to say Louis..
how has he played on various textures when oop or ip, have any hands gone to showdown, does he cbet most flops, same to double barrels, when checked to on rivers how often had you seen him bet out etc etc etc... did he seem to have ABC ish style, did he use position well, did he bet size and use leverage well? etc etc etc...........
in a vacuum - fold is ok obv , attempt a go and go would be ok imo , all out shove steal is a obv option...
as played - wow i don"t often just check call without some sort of read, even if i have the read right or wrong at least i can make the decision.. if its right then woohoo i"m a poker genius, if wrong then its shrug it off time, get a pint and try to pin point why or if it all, where i wrongly assessed the player... right back to as played, cc ok ish, check jam turn to the weak looking bet sizing is a option... after cc"ing the turn then how to get to showdown? throwing out a ridiculous small bet may achieve that, only guessing mind

you can jam the river and try to sell a slow played A3 2pair or set which once in a blue moon a stack this size will fold to with AA KK

you could try min raise the turn to try to get a check check river..
As played, I CRAI on the flop and hope he has no overpair. You could also get looked up by overcards here and still have out vs overpaid.
As played, err running out of ideas now.
this one from rob, met get some hero calls also from 55"s to 88"s etc....
hard to read what the oppo has, your passive line and his stack size just begs him to fire out, his river bet i can read it both bluffs and value... i"d be tempted to get a coin out tbh L.... heads call , tails fold..........