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Season 6 Discussion
« on: September 29, 2011, 16:33:58 PM »
We hope to announce one or two interesting developments to the S5 Pro and European events in the coming week or two, but now seems like a good time to start generating your thoughts and ideas ahead of Season 6.

So let us have your thoughts on the following and any other points that you"d like to make before we finalise plans.


- Countries
- Venues
- Structure
- Buy in
- Pay structure
- Added value
- Trophies / medals
- Rules
- Streaming
- Live updates
- Post event reports
- Photo galleries
- Team events
- Side events
- Formats, ie reentry, rebuys, etc
- Guarantees
- Schedule, ie is one event a month right, etc


- Sponsors, one / multiple
- Online Championship
- Online side events
- Online national league
- Online buy ins


- Forum
- Main site
- Newsletter
- Facebook Group
- Twitter
- How can you help promote APAT

- Any other thoughts or ideas that you may have beyond the above.

We welcome all feedback.


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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2011, 17:10:56 PM »
imo,,there should be less team events and less events abroad,,,these events rule out to many players,,players may then look elsewhere for a game and not come back.


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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2011, 17:22:10 PM »
Well what to say, first of well done to all at APAT again !! great work keep it up .

As to the above obvously we must have the 4 home country games and I know that at times it has been hard to secure venues, as to other countries spain was a good choice last year ( even though I didn"t go )  :"( and maybe that could be looked at again !
Venues is a problem due to capacity by what about hotels as has been mentioned before ??
I think the structure is just right
75 quid is the right amount we don"t want to be seen following other sites/forums and with the current climate it should stay the same
Any added value is a bonus ( we all want to win a medal ) ;D maybe a WSOP seat for the worlds winner ( I wish )
As to the rules i think any player that leaves the table or folds out of turn has a penalty ( must be inforced at all venues )
The WCOAP has to be kept at DTD, great venue and the only one that could accomadate us for the week ??
Streamin ( GREAT ) but the cost ??? thats the problem !!
Live updates ( awesome ) ( tighty etc ) great job keep it up
Could do with sometimes post event reports a bit earlier so we can sort rooms /travelling etc
The team events are great and personally wish there were more of them !!
Side events ok maybe mix up the games a bit more so that everyone gets a chance at a favourite game ??
Don"t think re-buys should be allowed unless at the worlds on a different day ??
One game a month fine

As to sponsors , been a bit up and down this season but hopefully DES etc can sort something permanent for season 6 ??, ( many thanks for DTD for sponsering the worlds - nice one )
The online side I think is fine , no changes needed except maybe a variety of games for the side events stud/ razz/omaha HI-LO etc
Everything else is running fine ( as they say if it aint broke don"t try to fix it )
Just a few points from me only scrarched the surface and I"m sure others will have even more thoughts , overall APAT are doing a great job !! KEEP it UP !! ;D ;D

the kid

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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2011, 17:32:35 PM »
personal preferences but use Paddy Power Poker as its easier for me to get cash on that site and play also use Dublin instead of Cork for the Irish leg, everything else seems to have been done well up to this point so cant say anything else


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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2011, 17:32:51 PM »
I think that you guys in the APAT boardroom have done a cracking job since I"ve been a member (and gauging from others reactions), and prior to that also!

I know you used to be involved with Pokerstars, was this a good involvement? Because for games like 7-2 lowball and stud type games this would be the site to go to.

Whatever you choose for season 6 an early decision for the Worlds would be good due to booking hols etc, aside from that, whatever you produce for us, I am sure it will be fantastic!

Roll on season 6................... may not make many events but will be there in spirit


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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2011, 17:38:38 PM »
would like to see APAT try to visit the country off yorkshire if its at all possible in season 6 and gl with season 6


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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2011, 17:41:20 PM »
Will have a proper think and post in more detail later on, but a couple of initial thoughts:

Try to retain existing buyin"s wherever possible, £75 is still a lot of money to a lot of amateur/hobby players especially in the current climate and not always easy to satellite in due the quality and strength in depth of members.

Try to retain WCOAP at DTD wherever possible, great venue, totally understanding towards catering to players needs etc

Brighton/South Coast event would be great as has a large catchment area but not currently catered for. On this point however I do totally appreciate the feedback given in the past about costs/flexibility of venues etc. No point being held to ransom.

I too was a little disappointed at the extent of team/pub/club games in the previous schedule. No problem including the odd one, but not at the expense of the original individual tournaments.

Happy for any European country to be considered for growth purposes, but again not at expense of home nationals. Satellites for packages again would be helpful and not just seat only.

Structures fine.

£10 or £20 (£25 even) side events would be great to justify travelling/hotels etc.

Any added value is a bonus, but a chance to play at the next level (UKIPT, GUKPT etc) for each m/e champion is always welcomed.
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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2011, 17:48:24 PM »
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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2011, 18:20:21 PM »
As I"ve said before, I"m very happy with what APAT are doing but there has been some uncertainty about scheduling and I do feel that more than one sponsor (if that is something they would accept) would be a welcome addition.

Not so much in adding extra value just in terms of having the (mostly) certain knowledge that the schedule was as firm as it could be (as much as these things ever are) for the entire year.

Now I know the above is down to Mr Duffy"s legendary negotiating skills but the certainty would be nice.

I know Tighty has taken on board some of the comments regarding locations and calendar and I agree that Ireland (Cork FTW) earlier in the year would be better with, perhaps, a mini-WCOAP (Fri - Sun)in Spain/Portugal (or elsewhere in Europe) in January 2013.

Mainland venues seem fine to me and Brighton would be a welcome addition.

Team events...other than the WCOAP...I don"t think have generally reached the markets they were after...and I say that as the captain of the current (and hopefully repeating) Forum Team Champions.

I think keeping the Forum comp is worthwhile but the Pub Team event wouldn"t be a major loss.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 18:26:02 PM by Paulie_D »
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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2011, 18:22:38 PM »
Oh, this thread is going to be epic...


Countries; I assume this is limited by the Sponsor - for example France would not be a good place to go to because of their gaming laws, same for Italy. Slovenia/Bulgaria sounds interesting though from what I hear.

Venues; I don"t think it matters really for English venues, people will travel. Same for Ireland, just got to try and not make it clash with another event!

Structure/BI/Pay/AV/Trophies; all fine, IMO.

Rules; No change to the rules, but maybe make them clearer and have an APAT TD who is aware of these rules and has briefed all dealers as some might be slightly different to house rules?

WCOAP; Apart from keep it at DTD, nothing to add.

Streaming; (now this one could get controversial over the thread) I don"t think it works. I only think live streaming works when it"s on a delay and people have hole cards available. Personally, I"d rather see a live text-based update but if streaming were to stay, I would suggest maybe having some sort of password-protected event for those watching on the sponsor"s site as an initiative for players to play on the sponsor site and to watch as the password is revealed on the live stream.

Post event/Photos; BITB. (That"s "Best In The Business", copyright pleno1 over at Blonde Poker)

Team events: Just combine the two and have one big event. A lot of people will be playing both of this years anyway.

Side events: Again, a bit more variation please - although I know this is subject to dealers. Would like to see 10-game rather than HORSE this year.

Formats: Please, please, please do NOT make them a rebuy. The WCOAP could be a limited re-entry as in if you bust day 1a then you can buy back in to Day 1b as an alternate. If we do go down the re-entry route (which I dont think will happen as these events mostly tend to have an alternates list bigger than Rob Yong"s bank account) then again, limit it to one re-entry per player.

Guarantees: I honestly don"t remember APAT ever offering guarantees and don"t think they should start now. Who"s pocket will it come out of? GG added value if an event like Cork happens again.

Schedule: WCOAP last week of August, Team Champs last week of Jan. Work from there. Maybe try and get a set weekend if possible (I know, clashes) like DTD deepstacks is nearly always first weekend of the month. Don"t think we need any more than 12 live events. 9/10 in the UK & Ireland and 2 abroad. The third, if possible, should be Vegas in November every year, or Atlantic City. ;) Maybe for satellites to European events see how much a block of hotels costs and offer a package of £75 + hotel + airfare.

Oh, and hire Paulie_D to work out these costs!


Sponsors; I couldn"t care whether we were sponsored by PokerStars, 888, DTD, Gala Bingo, Tesco, WWE, Argos, Ikea - you get the point. Whatever the best deal is for APAT, that"s who we should be sponsored by, and I trust Des to do the best for APAT in the long run.

Everything else; I don"t play APAT online because it"s just too much. 20 league games a year @ $10 = $200. Multiply that by 2 for Joobs and that"s $400. Then you have the online champs and the Omaha champs, then the WOCOAP - either way you"re looking at ~$1000pp over the year. That"s a LOT of money for a casual player. Even more for families that play.

Forum"s fine; I don"t think many big poker sites have much content bar the forum these days unless they"re in a niche market eg Hendon Mob Database, All Vegas Poker"s database etc. Fully expecting APAT to show up on Google+ soon, but apart from that all is good.

Feel free to shoot me on the 22nd October, Des/Tighty ;)


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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2011, 18:24:08 PM »


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This - the rest is gravy  ;D


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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2011, 18:26:09 PM »
Not too fussed about the live venues, as long as there is plenty of free parking, and there are cheap hotels nearby. I don"t do the overseas events. Travelling to and playing in UK events is enough of a chore already. Online I refused to waste any bankroll playing on 888 this past season. (I will not waste bankroll playing on any i poker sites either).

My personal favourite network is Everleaf gaming, and I currently play on Raise and Fold. Unlike the pseudo random number generators used to generate the dealing algorythms on other poker networks, the Everleaf one is truly random, as the RNG is seeded by random radioactive particles from a lump of Chernoble triggering a photomultiplier tube, allegedly. Whatever the reason, I find the dealing to be fair and even, with hardly any bad beats occurring. Usually if you get your money in good on the flop your hand holds up on there. It has recently got a lot tougher to play on there since we got a massive influx of yanks who were looking for a home after Tilt went belly up, but I still prefer it to some of the previous sites that I have played on.

As for the rest of it, I think Des and the team have done a really fantastic job so far organising 6 seasons of APAT action, and long may they continue doing so.


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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2011, 18:29:23 PM »

Oh, and hire Paulie_D to work out these costs!

Why? I do this for"s the (questionable) value I add.
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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2011, 18:31:19 PM »

Oh, and hire Paulie_D to work out these costs!

Why? I do this for"s the (questionable) value I add.

Added bonus!

{I actually meant get you to book them for APAT so APAT can offer them to sat winners, then assist the winners with booking their flights}


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Re: Season 6 Discussion
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2011, 18:32:18 PM »
yep agree with most of above ,
couple of points for me ,

Early notification , for booking etc ,
Worlds - DTD for the win every time -early dates to enable booking of hotels etc
Blackpool for an individual tourney this time round , easy accomidation ant travel inks IMO
Sponsors - would love to see back on pokerstars  , but know we have been there before
buy in- stay the same

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