Online 6 Max Tourney - fairly early stages - Blinds are 50/100, with an ante of 10.
We have a stack of 2475 in the big blind and pick up kd tc
Folded round to the small blind who is playing 22/22 over 80 or so hands who makes it 225. We call.
Flop comes :

: kc :

:. We check, villain bets 275 into 510 and we call.
Turn comes

. We check, villain bets 575 into 1060 and we call leaving 1400 behind.
River comes

. We check, villain bets 1K. We?
My thoughts on the hand were that I wasn"t sure how to act pre. I tend not to call too much with that stack size but didnt want to 3bet as felt he was more than capable of 4 betting me quite light and forcing a fold. Check call, check call line is a standard way that I would play this hand post flop, keeping in all his bluffs which I would think make up a fairly large range considering blind on blind dynamics. Once he bets the river though, I struggle to see what I beat...