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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #90 on: June 28, 2007, 00:07:08 AM »

A cash, get in, well played

I always lost at video poker, but you and Jon MW win you lucky lucky gits.

Have you gone to Vegas on your own?

Cheers Wayne, the video poker thing was a big big bonus (and very lucky).  I have been out here on my own, unfortunately the timing was bad for my mates who wanted to come.  Poker is a very individual, solitary thing anyway and being on my own has perhaps made me concentrate on it more.  They are enough distractions in Vegas already...


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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #91 on: June 28, 2007, 12:31:24 PM »

Excellent news about your first final table.  I"m really pleased you"ve been rewarded for your good play.  Also glad to see you are being philosophical about the cash side.

How random was that video poker result???  I put it down to Karma mate.

Have you managed to get your mom and sister something yet?  You might want to think about not leaving it until the departure lounge as there really isn"t much there except more slots.  They"ve got some video poker as well...

Look forward to catching up when you get back mate.

Take it easy.


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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #92 on: June 28, 2007, 23:02:47 PM »
Wednesday - 11pm tournament at Ceasar"s Palace

112 runners and I am trying out my new aggressive get chipped up or go home style tonight.  However I don"t make the break and bit the dust the very last hand before it.  There is a raise in middle position and all fold to me in BB with Kc 8s.  I call (as is my new style), flop 10 8 2 (all clubs).  I am loving the flop and check to the raiser who bets, I move all in with my middle pair and 2nd nut flush draw, and get insta called.  Opps I must be in trouble, just a bit as matey has AJ of clubs and has flopped the nuts.  No miracle running 8"s and I am out after a hour of play.

I played a lot more hands (as is the new style), betting flops to take pots down when in position.  My chip stack was up and down more than a tart"s knickers, I guess that comes with the style.  A major hand when I did about 65% of my stack was when I had KK UTG and put in standard raise.  Button moves all in, I call, KK vs AK, ace on the flop and I am short stacked again.  The new aggressive style is fun to play, lots of action and involvement, I guess early exists are a part of it aswell.  I think I will stay with it for a while and try to find a balance between it and my old tight game.



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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #93 on: June 28, 2007, 23:04:19 PM »


Excellent news about your first final table.  I"m really pleased you"ve been rewarded for your good play.  Also glad to see you are being philosophical about the cash side.

How random was that video poker result???  I put it down to Karma mate.

Have you managed to get your mom and sister something yet?  You might want to think about not leaving it until the departure lounge as there really isn"t much there except more slots.  They"ve got some video poker as well...

Look forward to catching up when you get back mate.

Take it easy.

Cheers mate.  Got the presents this am so sorted now.  Good news they have video poker at the airport, was worried I would have nothing to do.  Will see you next week at the home game.

Take it easy.


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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #94 on: June 28, 2007, 23:09:16 PM »

Nightmare, go up late again so had to rush to get to the Wynn for the 12 noon tournament.  Arrived there about five past to be old they were all sold out.  Damm, reallt wanted to play this one, as the structure is good and you start with 5k in chips.  Oh well, my own fault, it wasn"t even that late last night due to my early exit at Ceasar"s.  My sleep patterns are all over the shop at the moment, at times I feel great and then at other times I just fall asleep without warning.  Vegas does this to you.

Instead I headed to the largest gift shop in vegas and managed to get the remaining presents so I am all done now.  Off to chill by the pool for the rest of the afternoon then back to Ceasar"s again tonight to see if the new aggressive style can get me to the final table again.


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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #95 on: June 29, 2007, 09:02:52 AM »

Took a final trip to the Rio early this evening before heading to Ceasar"s for the 11pm tournament.  Managed to rail the limit omaha hi lo, down to 3 tables with Marcel Luske & John Juanda sitting next to each other.  Marcel had a mountain of chips and litterally played every hand whilst I watched for about 45 minutes.  Even though it is limit he was at his bullying best and was a joy to watch.  A great character of the game and a top player too.  Juanda is a lot more quiet and reserved but no less dangerous.  I sensed he was waiting on his medium stack for a chance to move in and double up.  Another top player.  The table broke when they got down to the last 27 (I have just seen on WSOP website that Juanda was knocked out in 10th and Marcel is chip leader on the final table, and will be big favourite to win the bracelet).  I then watched some of the HORSE final, which is worth seeing when its comes onto TV just for Freddy Deeb"s shirt.  He dressed with more restraint when I saw him on Tuesday so it must be for TV that the Magnum PI comes out (Freddy is in the final 3 with Hanson & Futoussi at the moment).  The HORSE final is difficult to view with the limit format and the different poker variations.  It will be interesting to see the TV coverage of the event.  I then headed back on the shuttle bus to Ceasar"s Palace for the 11pm tournament.

105 runners sat down and my new aggressive style led to my early exit in 102nd in only 30 minutes and before the end of level 1.  I managed to bluff off 60% of my stack with ace high on a queen high board.  I thought matey was week when he called my bluff on the flop and checked the turn.  So I fired again on the river and he made a good call after a semi long dwell with pocket 10s.  I am now short and raise in early position with AQ off (I want action), BB calls.  The flop is jack high all diamonds and it is checked to me, I smell a trap and check along.  A fourth diamond on the turn and I now have given up on the hand.  Check check again and the blank on the river induces a small bet from BB.  I muck instantly and know he had a big diamond, he may hae even flopped the flush.  Now I am really short (800 in chips with 50-100 blinds) and need to double up soon.  With 1 limper before me I find 99 in SB.  I make up hoping for action behind or a non paint board in which I can get busy.  BB raises and limper calls, I move all in and the BB calls, limper folds.  99 vs AK (excellent, off to the races with dead money to juice the pot), flop 10 J Q and its goodnight Vienna.  I played way too fast and loose tonight.  I need to find a middle ground or a mix of styles that allows for calculated risks and better chip management.  Busting out before the end of level 1 is stupid and something I must learn from.  It had the end of term feel to the tournament tonight, being the last one in Vegas on this trip.  I had also had a very relaxing few hours in the sun so perhaps was not as switched on as I should have been.

Headed back to the hotel to pack for the flight to blighty tomorrow.  Also have the live audio of the HORSE final (3 left at moment, this may take some time to finish).



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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #96 on: June 29, 2007, 09:07:37 AM »

Flight to Gatwick leaves at 4pm ish (I think) Vegas time and need to check out by 11am.  So that is basically it, the end of my Vegas experience.  Its been a great time, lots to think about and improve on.  I will post a full review when I get back to England and have had time to reflect on the past 2 weeks.

Just wanted to say thanks for all your support and kind words.  I hope you have enjoyed the reports and my view of Las Vegas.




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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #97 on: June 29, 2007, 09:48:09 AM »
Great stuff James really enjoyed your reports over the last two weeks.

Fair play on changing your style the last few days, I think your right about finding a middle ground. I used to go out of a lot of MTT just before the money as the blinds started to bite. Now I have the attitude that i"d rather go out well before the bubble than on the bubble and therefore try to get aggressive a bit further out. Sometimes it works and other times you crash and burn. The upside is the times I"m successful I tend to go a bit deeper and finish in decent money (sometimes!)

Thanks again for the reports.

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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #98 on: June 29, 2007, 11:25:35 AM »
Just like to say thank you for a good read. The first thing I do when I get to work is first get a cuppa then chat to the good looking girl in the office, ignore the ugly one. Then check the forum for information of the next event (COME ON DES WE NEED A UPDATE) then it's on to this thread. Cannot wait for your end of trip report. By the way while it"s been 100 plus in Vegas I have been up to my waist in water in Rotherham      


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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #99 on: July 01, 2007, 15:11:07 PM »
Friday - Vegas Airport

Some random thoughts I scribbled down during the wait for take off.

Burger King for lunch.  Do you know what they call a double bacon cheeseburger in the US?  Its called a Triple Decker.  Good job they have pictures or I would not have spotted it.  Unlimited soda (that"s pop to us English) refills aswell, managed 2 but could not take any more.

Duty Free - Got some perfume for my Mum and some fags for my Sister, they give you a number (like a raffle ticket) and you collect from the departure gate.  This is probably normal but I have not seen it before so it felt wierd.

Suitcase was too heavy at 24 kilos but they let me on without any additional charge.  It was only 19 kilos on the way here, so I have 5 kilos of new stuff going back with me.

Video Poker still rules - managed to win $200 at the airport when I hit 5 of a kind whilst playing dueces wild.

No alot else to do at the airport, seems strange as this is Las Vegas and I was expecting so much more.

Saturday - Gatwick

Flight was delayed taking off and took an hour longer than it should have.  Managed to get a few hours sleep but still very tired on landing at about 12noon.  Got back to my car and it would not start.  Electrics I think, tried it again, still no good, third time lucky and it turns over.  Don"t want to stall it as it may not start again.  I finally leave about 1.30pm and despite traffic on M25 I managed to get back to Wolverhampton about 4.30pm.  After unpacking I sit down with a cuppa to watch some TV.  Next thing I know I awake to find it is 11pm.  Still very tired I head up the wooden hills to bedfordshire to continue my recovery.


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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #100 on: July 01, 2007, 15:36:29 PM »
Excellent read James, I look forward to your full review.  I was in Dublin, not sure if you were there, possibly passed each other lol.  Look forward to meeting you at the next live event.

Take care, hope your body clock gets back to UK time soon and you can feel more yourself.

Mary Kivlin


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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #101 on: July 01, 2007, 20:12:32 PM »
It tuck me over a week to get my body clock back


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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #102 on: July 02, 2007, 00:47:07 AM »
Welcome home JE!

Was it just the suitcase that was heavier on its return?  ::)


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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #103 on: July 02, 2007, 12:30:25 PM »
Great stuff James.  I think everyone reading your updates are jealous and wish we"d been out there.

You can tell us all about it at the next APAT event.  When I say tell us all about it, I mean show us the photos of the girls at Caesar"s.
"Running hurts up to a point and then it doesn't get any worse."  Ann Trason


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Re: ThinkerJE takes a trip to Vegas
« Reply #104 on: July 02, 2007, 16:25:43 PM »
Or was it that the extra weight in his suitcase was down to sneaking home one of the girls from ceasers to bring to the next apat event to show ?? :)