Author Topic: Note taking in MTT's  (Read 3598 times)

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Note taking in MTT's
« on: October 27, 2011, 00:09:50 AM »
Has anyone got any thoughts or links to getting reads on players online and taking notes in MTT"s?

I tend to go into auto pilot a lot of the time playing usually 4-6 tables. Things I am interested in:-

What should the actual format of good notes look like? i.e specific hand details, generic comments, colour codes etc
What sort of things should we be looking for that are worthy of a note?
Is it generally hands that go to showdown that are worthy of notes?

I think the reads I am getting from players online is an area of my game where I am miles behind atm. Its far to easy to switch off and play ABC stuff a lot of the time.


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Re: Note taking in MTT's
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2011, 00:24:37 AM »
Some of my favs....

does he/she bet/raise draws
does he/she river value bet thin
what different bet sizes mean ie: bigger bets as bluffs smaller when for value or vice versa
If he/she donk bets will he/she fold to a raise
Is he/she trappy with monster hands
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Re: Note taking in MTT's
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2011, 00:26:15 AM »

Some of my favs....

does he/she bet/raise draws
does he/she river value bet thin
what different bet sizes mean ie: bigger bets as bluffs smaller when for value or vice versa
If he/she donk bets will he/she fold to a raise
Is he/she trappy with monster hands

Shiite - busted on every level  ;D


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Re: Note taking in MTT's
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2011, 00:31:08 AM »
 If you play around with advance multi table options on stars you can make it easier for youself.  I left click and assign colour. bright blue for abso re-tarded players, easy to see them when multitabling, also Red for very good players who have made lots of money. Lots of other colours for everyone else inbetween, but for the stakes i play i really only want to know the idiots and the good players. Quite surprising online even at the low stakes MTTS ive come across some really sick grinders making 100s of kkkss.

I just write quick things like if they OL (open limp) and call raises OOP (out of pos) or if they are tricky like OL and then 3 bet. What size they open raise, nowadays anyone online who open raises more than 2.5x with a stack of more than 20bbs  is usually inexperianced (IMO anyway).

Another good way of telling a little about them, is find out how many tables they are playing, make a note if they are playing more than 6 tables, look to see how many stars they are advertising, is their avatar a picture of their kid/ GF/ pet or themselves usually means they are not so good. Oh and also country is a pretty big help. For example ive found out these last few months that russians are usually hyper agressive, etc. you can tell alot about a player without ever seeing a showdown.

If the hands go to showdown, i just make a quick note of how they played their draws, weather they fire 2 barelles and give up, or if they check rivers oop with SDV (show down value) to induce a bet. Also how tight they play from the Blinds or LP, and around bubbles too.

Not much point in taking notes on standard play, but if you see anything funky, like they open raise then fold to 3 bet shove getting 2-1, then i would make a note of this kind of thing.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2011, 00:39:02 AM by WYoung83 »


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Re: Note taking in MTT's
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2011, 22:49:02 PM »

If you play around with advance multi table options on stars you can make it easier for youself.  I left click and assign colour. bright blue for abso re-tarded players, easy to see them when multitabling, also Red for very good players who have made lots of money. Lots of other colours for everyone else inbetween, but for the stakes i play i really only want to know the idiots and the good players. Quite surprising online even at the low stakes MTTS ive come across some really sick grinders making 100s of kkkss.

I just write quick things like if they OL (open limp) and call raises OOP (out of pos) or if they are tricky like OL and then 3 bet. What size they open raise, nowadays anyone online who open raises more than 2.5x with a stack of more than 20bbs  is usually inexperianced (IMO anyway).

Another good way of telling a little about them, is find out how many tables they are playing, make a note if they are playing more than 6 tables, look to see how many stars they are advertising, is their avatar a picture of their kid/ GF/ pet or themselves usually means they are not so good. Oh and also country is a pretty big help. For example ive found out these last few months that russians are usually hyper agressive, etc. you can tell alot about a player without ever seeing a showdown.

If the hands go to showdown, i just make a quick note of how they played their draws, weather they fire 2 barelles and give up, or if they check rivers oop with SDV (show down value) to induce a bet. Also how tight they play from the Blinds or LP, and around bubbles too.

Not much point in taking notes on standard play, but if you see anything funky, like they open raise then fold to 3 bet shove getting 2-1, then i would make a note of this kind of thing.

OMG Very similar colour scheme!

I"ll basically open OPR and search everyone on the tables I"m at....and cut copy paste their prizes/profit/roi/abi. I"ll also look at their rating and pretty much colour code something like this:

OMG very similar colour scheme!

Blue - Fish - <30%
Orange - Losing Player but with some results >30% and a losing player
Yellow - Winning Player (usually in the 90"s)
Red - absolute sicko (top 1000 - 2000 player)

I"m also looking at % of times they go out early/run deep etc and maybe make a notation of whether they appear NITTY or the type of player to amass chips early etc Obviously I"m then cross referencing this with table observation.

Sounds a lot of dicking around but with a bit of right clicking it doesnt take long - and it stops me getting involved in borderline spots that perhaps I shouldn"t.

Also use HEM and the VPIP/PFR/CBet/3Bet/4bet/Donkbet/Fold to blind steal stats. HEM is a must now IMO ad I cannot believe I flew blind without it for so long...


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Re: Note taking in MTT's
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2011, 17:58:47 PM »
Mark do you use a HUD?


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Re: Note taking in MTT's
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2011, 18:38:28 PM »

Mark do you use a HUD?

Yup, although have accepted it has a kind of limited use in MTT"s compared to cash. Went through a lot of the articles posted on here a while back and there is some gold in there.