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in your video the commentator refers to the no ace or king strategy, whether right or wrong i leave that for u guys to decide if its GTO or if there are situations to be creative/different ... its a stategy used for nitty opponents with tight 3bet ranges, rather than pushing pre and letting the nit see all 5 cards with the AK part of there 3bet range [thats what AK ideally wants, as it misses 2/3"s of flops] so the hero will flat and depending on there position will shove non AK flops OOP unless they hit a set and call jams or shove non AK flops to checks, whatever the action of there opponent when IP [unless they hit a set ]the idea behind it is that you are not forcing the race pre-flop, you are only pushing when you met be most likely ahead...you are pretty much doomed if your opponent has AA or KK anyway, so it"s just which way is better? if we decide we are not folding 66 pre, which is the best way to play, do we go all in or flat call? thats the jist of the strat. i"ll spare u all the maths behind it
ALL poker advice/strategy is pooh